Wind and Sea
No, the title is not the beginning of a poem, but it would be a good one don't you think? The title of this blog is the name of a beach that most of you probably know, but I went to for the very 1st time Monday night. It's a smaller beach in La Jolla that is somewhat similar to La Jolla cove. Our company included the good lookin group in the picture below.

I started the journey unaware of the events that lay ahead, as do most adventres. All I knew was that in some way I would be running into the ocean, into the waves and pain was more of a definate than a possibiblity. Scary, but exciting none the less.
We arrived at Wind and Sea around 9:30 pm. The whole area was dark, but the hotels along the street lit a glow upon the water that just revealed the most beastly waves I've ever seen in person. They rose above your head and crashed down sending a splash that flew high into the air. The beach was lined with large rocks and little mini cliffs. We had to travel maybe half a mile down the shore, which meant waiting for the waves to draw back, and then running as fast as you could past the rocks before the waves came back and slammed you into them.
We finally got far enough to a place Laura approved of. The rocks curved creating a cove and in the middle of our own private cove, crashed the formentioned "beastly" waves.
This was the game. Run to where the waves broke, turn your back on them, and wait till one hit the bottom part of your legs, knocked you down from under your feet and carried you to the top of the beach. Sound fun? Sound crazy? Sound stupid? It was amazing!!! Take the dark night sky, the sound of the water, the screams of our crew, mix it all together, and the whole atmosphere was exciting and thrilling and dangerous. Standing in the deep black sea you lose control as this powerful force of nature God designed drags you around, and at times, without the hand of a watchful friend, you could possibly be pulled out to sea. You then stand up, your shorts feeling a little heavier than before. You check and find your pockets filled with bulks of sand. There's so much in the water that every corner of your body, including your hair is caked with it.
Our hearts were beating fast, our excitement level was rising. Some of us were afraid. Some of us ran straight into the walls of water and took the beating with all we had in us. None of us left without battle wounds. We woke up the next morning with burns and bruises. Personally, I hurt everywhere.
It's funny how one simple idea, (which was thought up by one amazing woman named laura by the way) can become such a huge thing, such an adventure, and we didn't even have to drive further than a few miles.
Without further ado, here are pictures from the night. I couldn't get any of us actually getting kicked around by the waves since it was so dark, but you can just look at the joy on our faces and get an idea of how much fun we had.
For example, have you ever seen a happier face?

This one's a little blurry, but I like how dark the back ground is, and we're soaking wet!

The guy's model faces...

The girl's model faces...

Two more happy faces!

And this is just a random picture of a guy Joanna and I met later that night at the living room cafe. We liked his hair alot and asked if we could take his picture.

The next day I woke up around 1 exaughsted, worn out, not wanting to get up, and filled with joy from the night before! I know the most amazing people, and am so blessed to have friends who are fun, joy filled, and love God wholely and passionately, (except maybe for the guy in the picture above;). Who could ask for more.

I started the journey unaware of the events that lay ahead, as do most adventres. All I knew was that in some way I would be running into the ocean, into the waves and pain was more of a definate than a possibiblity. Scary, but exciting none the less.
We arrived at Wind and Sea around 9:30 pm. The whole area was dark, but the hotels along the street lit a glow upon the water that just revealed the most beastly waves I've ever seen in person. They rose above your head and crashed down sending a splash that flew high into the air. The beach was lined with large rocks and little mini cliffs. We had to travel maybe half a mile down the shore, which meant waiting for the waves to draw back, and then running as fast as you could past the rocks before the waves came back and slammed you into them.
We finally got far enough to a place Laura approved of. The rocks curved creating a cove and in the middle of our own private cove, crashed the formentioned "beastly" waves.
This was the game. Run to where the waves broke, turn your back on them, and wait till one hit the bottom part of your legs, knocked you down from under your feet and carried you to the top of the beach. Sound fun? Sound crazy? Sound stupid? It was amazing!!! Take the dark night sky, the sound of the water, the screams of our crew, mix it all together, and the whole atmosphere was exciting and thrilling and dangerous. Standing in the deep black sea you lose control as this powerful force of nature God designed drags you around, and at times, without the hand of a watchful friend, you could possibly be pulled out to sea. You then stand up, your shorts feeling a little heavier than before. You check and find your pockets filled with bulks of sand. There's so much in the water that every corner of your body, including your hair is caked with it.
Our hearts were beating fast, our excitement level was rising. Some of us were afraid. Some of us ran straight into the walls of water and took the beating with all we had in us. None of us left without battle wounds. We woke up the next morning with burns and bruises. Personally, I hurt everywhere.
It's funny how one simple idea, (which was thought up by one amazing woman named laura by the way) can become such a huge thing, such an adventure, and we didn't even have to drive further than a few miles.
Without further ado, here are pictures from the night. I couldn't get any of us actually getting kicked around by the waves since it was so dark, but you can just look at the joy on our faces and get an idea of how much fun we had.
For example, have you ever seen a happier face?

This one's a little blurry, but I like how dark the back ground is, and we're soaking wet!

The guy's model faces...

The girl's model faces...

Two more happy faces!

And this is just a random picture of a guy Joanna and I met later that night at the living room cafe. We liked his hair alot and asked if we could take his picture.

The next day I woke up around 1 exaughsted, worn out, not wanting to get up, and filled with joy from the night before! I know the most amazing people, and am so blessed to have friends who are fun, joy filled, and love God wholely and passionately, (except maybe for the guy in the picture above;). Who could ask for more.
You all looked like you had a blast! I wish I could've come!!! That man's hair is certainly something else...I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it to be honest!
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