Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Mom's are great. For 21 years now, my mom has been my mom. She's raised me with my dad, she's raised me as a single parent, and she's raised me in about 20 stinken different houses and appartments, but never the less, no matter what, she's always been able to take care of me, and my bother. We've never been without. Even as a single mom, she worked hard and we've always had a roof over our heads. She's the reason I'm a Christian. Times in my life where I wasn't serving God she made sure I was in church at least 2 extra times a week. She always made my faith her first priority. She's the strongest woman I've ever met. She's been through so much, but she's a survivor. She always has been, and she's done her best to train me to be the same.

In these past couple months my faith and character have been tested like never before. The fire's hotter and the water's deeper than it's ever been. Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning. Sometimes it feels like I'm failing miserably. But my good ol' survivor mother, in one moment did what no other person has managed to do in this season of my life. All it took was one conversation, one rebuke filled with love for her daughter, and she's changed my whole mindset on my situation. I don't know how she did it, I don't know how she even knew I needed to hear what she said, but I feel so much stronger than I did yesterday. So much more ready to trust God for what I need. So much more thankful than I've ever been for the stregnth she is in my life.

There's no memories like the ones you have with your mom. No love like the love you feel for her. And no need like the need you have for her. I'm so greatful for my mom. There's no one else like her. She'd do anything for anyone. She's laid her life down for Christ. And she's sacraficed her dreams and desires for her family. She's Wonder Woman, and I love her.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

5:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your are Nice. And so is your site! Maybe you need some more pictures. Will return in the near future.

2:12 AM  

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