Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Biggest Fattest Miracle Ever!!!

That's right folks! The biggest and the fattest!

So Thursday morning started out pretty normal. Woke up early, had two tests, and then as I'm leaving school, I get in my car, and my phone rings. By the ring I knew it was my mother. I answered and she greets me with, "You owe me 400 dollars for your car insurance, and I need it asap."


When she hangs up, I start crying. I don't have $400, I don't have a job, and the money I do have has been going into my gas tank. So I do the only thing you can do in these situations. Cry out to God.

I won't bother you with the details of my prayer, but you can imagine it was desperate, and I was crying out for a miracle. I knew, and God knew, (and I reminded Him too) there was no way I was going to be able to pay this bill without a miracle.

The day goes on, I intensify my job hunt, even though I know it won't help, but I'm trying not to think about it, because the more I do, the more upset I get. All I know is it's in God's hands. There's absolutely NOTHING I can do.

It's 7pm, and I'm walking into GC, and my phone rings. It's my mother again.

I head outside and answer. I am now greeted with, "Jael, we sold your car. I need the title. Where is it?"

I can't talk, I can't breath. This is the car I've had since high school. The one that's been sitting in my front yard with a for sale sign since last July. No one's shown any interest in this car for almost a year.

"What?" I stammer.

"We sold the car. The guy wants it tonight."

By the end of the day, some 19 year old kid has come to my house, given my parents $1100 in cash, and taken my car away.

Not only did God give me the $400 I needed, but He gave me above and beyond! And how perfect is His timing? I've been wanting that car out of my yard and out of my life for such a long time, but God needed me to hold on just a little bit longer so that His great mercy could prevail in my life, and He proved Himself once again; God: My Provider (among His many other great attributes.)

Not only was this a miraculous event, but it was the MOST miraculous, the biggest, fattest miracle I have ever experienced in my own life! How would I survive if I wasn't saved? And the best part is I get to experience even more and even greater miracles until my last breath, because I have a God who's so big, and so amazing, and so powerful, (I mean He's the creator of the whole stinken universe for goodness sakes) and He loves me! Why?

Who even knows???


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Hey friend. I also got one of the BIGGEST, FATTEST MIRACLES EVER on Thursday night. Crazy how He can do so much in ONE day. Imagine what He can do in seven!

9:35 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Wow. I LOVE when He does those kinds of miracles. God rules.

11:07 AM  
Blogger La Liz said...

Hi Jael, you don't know me but I came across your blog and I just wanted to tell you that it really blessed me to read your blogs. Your sincerity in serving God comes through and talking about his goodness is just AWESOME! Thanks for belessing me today. May God continue to bless you, stay strong girl. ~Liz

6:24 PM  
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12:28 PM  

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