Thursday, September 01, 2005

Streaking... (Yes I said streaking, and no, I didn't do it.)

Hey Blogger Friends. I know it's been awhile, but like most of you out there in the "real world" life's been getting busy. School started. I love it. It's nice to have something to do again besides work.

Speaking of work, I've got a great Adventure at Dennys story for you. I was at the computer about to enter in an order, when all of a sudden, an extremely loud whistle begins to sound. My mind immediately, (don't ask why) returns to high school fire drills, (where they sound the fire alarm unexpectedly, and everyone has to practice walking out to the fields in an orderly fasion). The whilstle sounded much like an alarm, and a question pops in my head, "why are we having a fire drill at Dennys?" Of course the ridiculousness of this thought hits me soon, and I look up to see what the commotion is about. To my utter shock, two boys, possibly high school age, are running through my resturaunt in nothing but masks, and innapropriate ladies underwear. My mouth drops open. I bring the menu to my lips and hide the laughter that I cannot hold back. The coustomers follow them with their eyes, and as soon as they are gone, they go back to their buisness as if nothing happened. I on the other hand, can barely move, let alone speak. All I can do is release the laughter I cannot containe. What a strange town I live in, where after witnessing two streakers running from one door to the next in in a public resturaunt, on Kids Eat Free Night, do the towns people go back to buisness as if this were an every day occurence? And why did naked people run through my restuaraunt? It's all a big mystery I have no intention of pursueing.

On sunday night after I left, apparently someone through fire crackers in our lobby. When the police came they said things like this have been happening all week, since the schools started back up. Hmmm.... pretty interesting huh?

On a happier note, I am no longer in the "teens." I am officially an official adult! That's right, on August 22 of 2005, Jael Cashman turned 20 years old! Woo Hoo!!! Although last night I became saddened as I realized that in another 20 years, I'll be 40, but oh well, just think of all the stuff I'm going to do in the next 20 years.


Blogger Charlotte Leanna said...

sick. streakers are sick... you aren't a teenager! weird. growing up sucks.

4:07 PM  
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12:54 PM  

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