Saturday, July 23, 2005

A Perfect Day

I had a perfect day today. Where did I spend it? At work. Isn't that funny? I had a perfect day at work. I don't know when it happened, where it happened or how it happened. So many times I've tried to quit, I've tried to run away, but tonight I realized, I love my job, and even when we're slow, and even when I'm doing horrible, I'm always having fun. There's this unexplainable joy when I start working, as if God comes in a stronger way because He wants to show my co-workers what it's like to live for Him.

Today, I had a couple that came in excessively happy, super smiley, and then angrily walked out because I didn't bring them their soup before their meal, but before leaving they yelled into the kitchen in front of the other coustomers, "TELL YOUR MANAGER WE'RE THROUGH WITH DENNY'S!!!" Now, after hearing a story like this you may ask, "Why was this a perfect day?" Well, while normally in this setting, the yelling and rebuking would be followed by my own tears, but as the little droplettes hit the corners of my eyes, just barely causing my noes to tighten and my cheeks to tense, I realized, wow, these people are weird! In fact, I think of all the people that come into this resturaunt who are crazy about their food, (and you really don't realize just how crazy people are until you start serving them)these two are just about the most eccentric I'd seen. (Believe me, I didn't go into detail on some of the other comments they made, and the volume they hit.) At this revelation, the tears shrunk back, the skin relaxed, and I began to laugh. "Why do I let these people get to me?" I thought. "They're all fruits." (But I love them of course.) So you see, Dennys really is full of adventures. I worked till midnight, and the later it got, the more interesting and fun the coustomers got, and they tipped better.

I ended up making almost 100 dollars, my boss bought my lunch, I got Sat. night off which they had schedualed for me to work, and I had massive energy the whole time.

So how did this perfect day end you ask? With a perfect ending of course.

As I pulled up into my yard, I stared out into the open field next to my house, and I noticed a flash of light in the distance. The sky was partly cloudy, partly clear. The moon was full, and off to the horizon beyond the trees, there was a great show of lightning, without thunder. The sky was blue, dark, but lit up by the floresent moon, and with each beam of light, the horizon would turn to a pink, or an orange or a red. I stoold at the entrance of the wide open space, forgetting I was in a city, and wondered what it must of been like for the Children of Israel to stand in the wilderness, and witness such a phenomenon. And then, I remembered the verse,
Psalm 19:1
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork.

The HEAVENS DECLARE THE GLORY OF GOD! I thought about the lightning, and how powerful it really is. It's beautiful, but if it had come closer and landed on my head, I would have been toast, and completely helpless against it. Not that God wants to fry me, but He created that lightning, powerful as it is, and the creator is always greater than the creation. God is big, and God is for us, therefore, who can be against us? Not hungry, disgruntled X-coustomers, and not the Devil!

One last little nugget I found in the Bible.
Job 19:9-10
9 He has stripped me of my glory, And taken the crown from my head. 10 He breaks me down on every side, And I am gone;

(Job is actually complaing about this, but really, this is how we should live. I love it.)


It's a good thing I'm learning that God put me on this earth to subdue all creatures including "every creeping and crawling thing" (somewhere in Genesis.) You all remember my friend Mothra, and of course, no one commented, but I assumed you read about my showdown with the mutant spider on my shower curtain? It was after the spider incident I began to become somewhat suspicious of a secret uprising of the insect world against me. Well, my suspicions were confirmed this morning while I was driveing down the FREEWAY and a BEE FLEW IN MY CAR and BUZZED AROUND MY HEAD for a while before flying out. Do you think it's a warning? Well anyway I don't care because like I said, I have dominion! (even if I did scream when the bee buzzed in my ear)


Blogger Al said...

You are amazing. I loved taking part in your perfect day. What a great picture of how a Christian can take thier normal, otherwise complacent life and turn it to... perfect. with the help of Christ in us, the hope of Glory.

9:46 AM  
Blogger Jon A. Owens said...

About them insects/arachnids -- you might want to consider buying some Raid. Or maybe you need to think about switching perfumes or something...


11:45 AM  
Blogger brittany said...

youre so interesting. =]]
ohhhhh i love it.
we need to hang out and write a blog about our adventures now!

2:12 PM  
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