Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Cute Moment of the Day

So, I've been watching the Miller kids all week, and it's been an exciting couple of days. We went to Balboa Park, went swimming, and Mary left me lots of amazing recipies to make for them, and oh my goodness I havn't had such good, simple meals in a while. Last night we had sloppy joes'.... it was so stinking good!

Anyway, cute moment of the day. Mickey is not ticklish. I try and I try but the boy is tuff as nails, until today! We were playing around with our feet, and Mickey sticks his foot in my face and I try to tickle it, but again, nothing. He goes, "Ha ha, I'm not ticklish except in one spot and you'll never guess where it is!!!", then Hannah, in her high pitched little squeal goes, "HIS KNEEEEEES!!!!!" Then, dead silence, and out of the quiet you hear Mickey's timid little voice go, "uh oh." (It was all over after that.)We've been having lots of fun.

I have a question, does anyone have a good recipie for macaroni or tuna salad? I looked online, but I thought maybe someone knew some amazing recipie the internet could never capture. Thanks much!


Blogger Jon A. Owens said...

Sorry, I'm not a big fan of either macaroni salad or tuna salad, so I don't have any off-the-top-of-my-head recipes for you. If you haven't checked it out yet, we often find really good recipes at Good luck!

11:10 AM  
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5:51 PM  

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