Monday, June 20, 2005

Carpools and Matchmakers

On Friday I attended my cousins graduation, and graduation party with my mom and brothers. It was a hot day and I got my second sunburn this week. (I got my third today at Mary millers Wedding. Woo Hoo! The first burns of summer. Bring it on baby!!!!! My tans a'coming!!!!!!!! No more Miss. White Girl! (That's kind of like the whole short thing. The feelings of dislike are about the same level.) So anyway, afterward I asked my mom if I could drive because I absolutely love driving her XTerra. (sp?) Surprisingly, she said yes. I was so excited that I forgot what a pain it actually is to drive with my mother in the car. She still hasn't quite gotten over the fact that I got my license, even though I am an adult now, and it has been 3 years since that blessed day. (I took the test twice. The first time I almost killed the instructor. Funny how I thought she'd only take a few points off for that. You couldn't even see the Tahoe coming. It was a blind turn!)

So, It starts of course with every time I try to switch lanes she tells me to stay where I am, or gives me directions of where to drive on a road I've traveled hundreds of times. We exit the 52 onto the 15, and it's 4pm so traffic is starting to build and I have about 30 seconds to cross what, like 7 or 8 lanes? to make the carpool lane. And as soon as I take the first lane I hear my mom go,

Mom: Jael, don't stress out o.k. You don't have to make the carpool.
Me: Oh, I'm fine mom. I've got it.
(Approaching second lane)
Mom: Because we can always just take Scripps.
Jael: (Perfectly calm) It's fine mom. I got it.
Mom: (Not so calm) Just don't stress O.K:
(Hitting the fourth. 3 more to go. Carpool lanes coming up quick)
Jael: (Chuckling) I promise. I'm o.k. I got it.
(One more lane to go)
Mom: Because you really don't need to stress. We'll be fine on the 15.
Jael: (Eyes intently staring down my target. Finally, pull into my final destination.) There. We made it.
(Two minutes later as she's looking onto the freeway.)
Mom: Wow, the 15's packed Good thing we took the carpool lane.

Hee hee. I love my mom so much. She's so great.

Yesterday I met a boy named Peter who apparently I used to play with when I was a child. We don't remember each other at all, but I remember his back yard. Isn't that funny? He had a little Turtle Sand Box and a fort thing. My grandma's funny. He lives right next door, and every time I go over there it's like she tries to advertise him to me. "Oh Jael, he's so cute. And he's such a good Christian boy." It's funny, but when my other grandma tries to set me up, she usually says the same thing. "He's a Christian Jael. He goes to Christian Heritage, so he must be..." ect. It's funny how just because some guys a Christian they think I'll automatically fall for him. Grandmas are great. So anyway, everytime I go there, she's gives her little speal, and then urges me to go meet him, but he's never home. Yesterday, he was.

So I finally meet the infamous Peter. He's nice, quiet, not too bad looking, but sorry grandma, no sparks. I find it interesting that the people closest to you (outside of the city church,) find it odd that we choose not to date. Like, it's just the craziest thing. And no matter how many times you explain it to people, a.k.a, your grandmothers, they still try their hardest to find you that perfect guy, and then get you to date him. The world is weird. But I'm sure they think I'm weird as well.


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