Saturday, July 09, 2005

Everyone, don't forget to mark your calenders. September 19th is national Talk Like a Pirate Day! We should throw a party in honor of this special holiday, which should not be forgotten! A moment of silence please..... Wouldn't it be cool, if we could have been pirates, only like, good pirates which didn't steal, kill or cheat? I know, I know, that doesn't exist, but just the thought of ships, and adventure, and traveling where ever you want, whenever you want! Hmmm.

Anyway, I saw War of the Worlds yesterday, and found myself walking out of the theater repeating this phrase over and over that sounded something like, "I hate it, I hate it!!!!" Not so much that it was a bad movie, but really I just almost peed my pants. I was so scared the whole time, I wanted to walk out of the theater, but you see, I can't do that because if I start a movie and don't finish it, it will drive me crazy. Anyway, the movie was really scary and wasn't what I expected. I was thinking it would be a cross between the movies Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and Independence Day. Not at all!!!!!! It was pretty much Freddy Meets Jason, not that I actually saw that movie because you see, I don't watch scary movies! Hmmm, maybe that's why I left the theater shaking. So, if you saw the movie and thought it wasn't scary at all, please don't think I'm a wuss, because like I said, I am not used to such drama. In fact, I went home that night, and watched every happy, light and fluffy show I could, a.k.a, the Disney Channel. Anything dark I couldn't handle. I can't remember another movie that had that kind of affect on me. And you know what the worst part is? I like to think about movies that touched my emotions, so I went to bed reflecting, only I tried to focus on Josiah from 2 kings, and how he tore down the high places, which helped, but then I woke up thinking about it. Hopefully it's out of my system now.


Blogger Charlotte Leanna said...

so... anthony and i had the worst experience the other nite at denny's in poway. given it was 1am so there was only 1 server... but STILL he was the worst server ive had in my life. he forgot everything. got the order wrong. didnt even seat us. gave us one straw for two people... but somehow he had time to flirt with the two girls at the bar. your dennys has better service! thanks for the post on my blog... but believe me, the stuff i write on my blog is sugar coated and concealed compared to my journal... but hey, i guess real is real... and i must say i can't be fake when i write. we need to hang out soon... sorry you couldnt spend the night tonight... i got an apartment magazine to look at =)

10:39 PM  
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