Wednesday, September 07, 2005

My Bio Teacher Would be Proud...

There's a cupboard in my restaurant about the size of your average kitchen cupboard where you might hold your cups and plates. There are two levels of these shelves, one right on top of the other. It is on these shelves where we stock such items such as tea bags, jellies, salt, pepper, diffusion packets, ect... This particular cupboard in my store is located in the front room below the main counter.

It was this very night, Tuesday, September 6th, 2005, about 10:30, (only one table in the corner), where my colleagues and I decided to conduct an experiment involving this particular cupboard. It began by removing each item on the top shelf and placing them on top of the counter. It ended with me, climbing inside the cupboard, on the top shelf. Hillary, then closed the door, and to my dismay, ran for the manager to warn him of a "pest problem." I became somewhat frightened of this particular manager, not expecting this turn of events, but to my surprise, as he opened the door, it was not wrath, but laughter that proceeded from his mouth. I then climbed out, unable to contain my own laughter. Hillary and I then concluded our hypothesis was right. I do fit into the cupboard.

On another note, for the first time in my life, I threatened to call the cops on someone. Where else, but at Dennys, because like I said, working there really is quite the adventure. Sean, the nieghbor boy I grew up with when I first moved to Ramona, last Tuesday night walked out on his check. He returned the next Sunday in a black hat, thinking I wouldn't notice him if he covered his face. When I brought his drink, the words came out before I knew what I was saying. "Sean, if you walk out on this check again, we'll call the cops." I can't remember ever seeing so much fear on someone's face, or hearing such commanding authority in my voice. I hated it. I walked away and wanted to cry because I felt like I hadn't been me. The manager, who had also been there that night, confronted him, along with "JOE", (our big, tough, macho cook) you know, "JOE!" Sean denied everything and walked out. I still wanted to cry.

Last comment; I received a piece of "Bubblelishis Gum" tonight from a costumer. I haven't had one of those since I was a kid. I'm still chewing it even though the flavors been gone for half an hour. (I'm really excited. This was like, the best thing ever when I was young.) Speaking of costumers, a grown man, with his wife and kids, called me babe the whole time he was there. "Thanks babe!" "Umm, babe, can you please bring me some ranch." Awww, people are weird, but I love them.


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