Wednesday, June 15, 2005

It all Started with a Banquet

It all started with a banquet. I was an intern about 3 weeks ago, and I graduated, and that night, for the first time I went to a place I would be calling my home for a while. The house is big, but not huge, cute, but not beautiful, relaxing, but lonely.

I still remember that night. Everyone was beautiful, dressed to impress and smiles plastered on their faces. For some, the end meant grabbing that special someone and running out the door because yes, they can finally "date." For some the end meant nothing for they are still, at this very moment, at the church doing the exact same thing they've been doing all year long. And for others, the end meant, well who even knows. That's where I am. All I'm sure of was that when that banquet was over. Scott, Jenny and I jumped in Scott's dad's BMW and cruised around Poway until we ended up at the bowling alley, where hey, everyone showed up and proved, we just can't get enough of each other.

For everyone, the end meant a new season. It's time for things to change. It's time for new things to grow in us. I feel the resting season is over. Life will never be the same. And it's good.

So for the last 3 weeks, I've been bored and lonely in this house, and taking every chance I can get to go to the church, hang out with people, or work. Yesterday I called up Laura Oakley and we planned to go see Madagascar. (Great movie by the way). So I'm finally getting out of my house, and I'm driving down Poway road, when my car starts to make a funny noise, and then a funny smell, and then the steering wheel stiffens, right as I'm crossing the center of a 4 way, main street intersection. So I beg my car to push just a little farther to the next driveway on the right. Apparently my car had just a little more grace, because we made it. So I try my brakes, but the cars still rolling, slowly, towards the little porsce in front of me. I hold my breath and push the little stick thing into park and slam on my emergency break, and woo hoo! It works!!! The pretty car is saved! Of course my excitement comes to a halt as smoke begin to rise from the hood. Hmmph. Where am I anyway? I look to my right, and oh wow, I'm at at the Mobil Station, which just happens to have an auto shop attached to it's hip. Hmmm, God? You're funny.

The rest of the day ended up being nice. Even though it took them 2 hours to even look at my car, I saw a movie, hung out at borders, and ran into about 15 people I knew. Allene picked me up for our cell, and I finally get a call that the damage is about 2,000 dollars, maybe, maybe only 500. Who even knows? I said, NO WAY! I'd rather just buy a new car. So my dad picked it up this morning, and is taking it to Tony, this guy we know who works on cars out of his own back yard and asks us to pay him in packs of beer. He's great.

So you see, this all started with a banquet. And that my point.


Blogger joy said...

i had no idea where this entry was going...but wow, what an exciting day you had!

4:06 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

It cracks me up to imagine you paying your mechanic in packs of beer! I visualized you walking out of Von's pushing a cartload of alcoholic beverages (and then running into someone you know and having to explain the situation). That’s funny

9:37 AM  
Blogger Al said...

Jael of Judges,
... or should i just call you "tent peg"? that would be your wwf name :)
i like reading your blog and i am hungry for more.

2:46 PM  
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