Saturday, June 11, 2005

An Encounter at Dennys

Today is my youngest brother Jared's 12th Birthday! I can't believe it, he's one year away from being a teenager. Who would've thought this day would ever come??? What's funny, is I know 12 year olds, and he still seems like he's 10 to me. He's pretty short, but then again, everyone in my family is short. Stupid genetics. There's no hope for any of us, so I suppose I'll have to marry someone pretty tall if my children want to see happy days, or see anything at all for that matter. (J/K)

So, Wednesday, when I was working at Dennys, I had the whole back room to myself, which I love, because they stick all the big parties back there, and that's where you make the most money. I had about 5 tables, and I asked the hostess not to seat me anymore so I could go on my break, but when I came back into the room, EVERY table decided they wanted dessert, which of course we make, so it just takes extra time, mean while, every time I went back into the room to drop one off, every table needed something else. "Miss, could you bring us more napkins?" "Miss, could you bring our check?" "Miss, I need a refill." "MISS MISS MISS!" You know how it is. I really want to go on my break, but these people refuse to even let me have a moment of peace.

In the midst of these demanding parties, there's a little hidden table of 2 in the back corner. A single mom with an almost side pony tail atop her head, and one of the most beautiful yet sassy little girls I've ever met. Sherry and Dannella. The two reminded me of another mother daughter pair I know and am close to. Mom tries to act too young, making comments such as, "You're the bomb" and the daughter's got the mom wrapped around her finger and get's whatever she wants. Every time I left their presence I wanted to cry, because I know how that story ends. I found myself praying often for them under my breath, asking God for an open opportunity to minister. It comes.

Every table leaves at the same time except for them, and I finally get to go on my break. Since there's no one else in the room, except the two, I'm aloud to sit down at one of the tables. Im walking toward them and I they start to get up. In a flash I blurt out, "Please don't leave, I'm on my break and I wanted to sit and talk with you guys," which isn't completely strange because I had pretty much already established a relationship with them, laughing and joking with the girls every time I had previously come to their table. So she smiles and sits back down and the three of us begin to chat.

Danella's in 2nd grade, but she looks much older. She's very tall. (Lucky girl.) Somehow, right away we get on the subject of church, and Sherry looks at me and says, "I knew you were a Christian. I could just tell. You're so different." And little Danella says, "You even look like a Christian." And they proceed to tell me that they're Christians and go to the church of a pastor friend of mine, but they're moving to Texas in 2 weeks. Dani loves church, but they admitted to not going too often. They may visit ours this Sunday. After we had established that we were both Christians, she began to openly pour out her heart and her life story to me. She'd recently left Dani's dad, which all she would say "was a bad seen" and that she has trouble with her daughter because she has ADHD, and is constantly begging for attention, mostly by, (from what I could tell), constantly pushing her limits and boundaries.

We talked for about 15 minutes. It was really good. I got to pour into her, and it ended with me praying for her and her daughter. I prayed for wisdom, a good church in Texas with a great children's program, and healing, and before they left I made Dani memorize a quote. "My body is lined up with the Word of God." Which she remembered very quickly and I instructed her to repeat it every day. She walked away saying it over and over again. It was so cute. Her mom was fighting back tears, but she left smiling. She even filled out one of our comment cards which said, "Jayel was awesome!" Hee hee.

It's so amazing to see how God worked that out. To know that that one little moment had been planned from the beginning of time. Perhaps they will never forget me. Perhaps their lives will be forever changed because of one encounter at Dennys. This happened a few days ago, but revisiting this memory stirs me. Think, we could have encounters like this every day if we just looked and asked. If we weren't afraid.

One of my favorite things is learning about other peoples lives. There's just so many out there being lived, and so many that need help. And to think, this is how we're called to live, every day. Literally, helping and changing peoples lives is our calling, all of our callings as Christians. That's huge. God is so amazing, and once again, I stand in awe of His sovereignty. If I had gone on my break when I wanted to, if none of those other tables had wanted dessert, I may have never had that opportunity. He is good.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

Awesome post!

11:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

I was browsing for information on youth adhd when I came across your site and boy am I glad I did.

Although not totally the same, I believe that the work we are doing has some synergy to it.

I am researching information on adhd in general and am trying to make as many connections as possible so that my subscribers can have the maximum chance of controlling their adhd.

Are there any resources on youth adhd that you recommend I visit?

Would very much appreciate your input on the subject.

Thank you for your blog post.

Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing

10:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

Thanks for the post, looking forward to more great stuff.

8:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Jael (I hope that is the right name):

Hi my name is hoe bing and I have been on a research mission to crack the problem that is teenager with adhd.

You see ADHD is my passion and I have been pursuing it in the most holistic way possible. In fact that is exactly what brought me to your blog. Last week I spent 10 hours during the weekend trying to sort out the wheat from the chaff when it came to ADHD websites but no luck there. Most of the websites were of a commercial nature, no one was really interested in providing a full picture and I was getting disheartened.

By chance though I stumbled upon a few personal blogs, like Charles Blanc who is the adhd adtivist. Charles blog was personal and informative and he was exceptionally kind (responded to my post within a few hours and we have been working together to get the word out since).

Jael, my intention is really simple, basically my subscribers are looking for quality information and so far it is personal blogs like yours that have yielded the best unbiased information. I would like to request your help.

Because of the great response from other blog owners I have decided to create my own blog called the adhdpodcaster. If you have some time please take the time to post information that you would find useful to my subscribers.

Please don't limit yourself, just like the great job you have done at your blog put whatever information you have come across. The different areas that I am working hard to get more information on is the involvement of sleep and adhd, nutrition, relationships, cognitive behaviour therapy, subliminals and also learning tools.

Any help would be appreciated.

Hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your blog, it makes great reading and keep up the good work.

Have a great day.

Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing

4:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

Thanks for the post, looking forward to more great stuff.

8:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

After much heavy reading your blog provided just the right amount of fun. Thank you :)

4:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

Thank you very much for An Encounter at Dennys, it was an informative post, very useful.

I'm currently researching information for kid adhd, would that be a topic that you are familiar with?

If you could help point me to the right direction it would be much appreciated.

Thank you for your time and effort.

Warmest regards,
Hoe Bing

3:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Jael,

Awesome post!

2:00 PM  
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