Wednesday, July 18, 2007

What I've Learned in Memphis

So I'm in Memphis well Mississippi actually, but every thing we do is in Memphis Tennessee. I'm staying with the Owens, playing with Baby Jude, and it's been amazing.

Here's what I've learned so far.

Fireflys are LOUD!

There are still places in the US that are green and beautiful.

Humidity is yucky.

There are ways to keep your hair functionable in humidity.

You know that thing where unattractive men that play guitar suddenly become attractive? I'ts called the 20% factor. Think about that for a second. It's funny.

Brewsters, (an ice cream shop, not beer) is very tasty.

Sonics is real, although I haven't eaten there yet.

There is a city in Tennessee called Bucksnort. Yes I'm serious, and you can buy a trucker hat or Tee-Shirt there with that name on it. I just might.

That's it so far. I'll keep you posted. And for those of you that call me, I don't have my phone with me. I left in SD.

Love you all.


Blogger joy said...

so much of this post makes me miss texas...except for the 20%factor and you so much friend!

10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is Christine, Jon's youngest sister. Please give my niece and nephews a big hug from Aunt Chrissy. I don't think I ever met you when in I lived in San Diego. You will have fun out there. Make sure you get some good ol' Barb-q and some Sweet Tea. Be Blessed!

7:23 AM  
Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

I was wondering when you were going to make it out there! We need to catch up after you get back. I want to hear all about your trip. And the 20% thing works on me with guys who can sing (shhhh...don't tell anyone!) And if I ever make it to Memphis someday, you know I'll be looking up Buttsnort. Love you friend!

1:22 PM  
Blogger itsnotaboutme said...

Hi Jael,
You haven't met me yet, but I'm one of Jon's sisters. I'm here in Memphis and I'm sure I'll meet you soon. I just wanted to let you know that it's Bucksnort :0)
Sorry honey! it must have been this crazy southern dialect the "ck" and "tt" sound the same down here. But there is a Hot Coffee, Mississippi and Bucksnort does exist

1:54 PM  
Blogger Amy A said...

Oh Jeal, look at me....
It says Bucksnort. I now look like the Southern idiot w/o a brain. Just blame it on my lack of wearing my prescribed glasses. I hate wearing them....
Oh geeez I haven't met you yet. This will be awkward now when we meet! Ha. Ok. Blushing now.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

Jael, did you change the spelling ... ?? ... because I thought it said "Buttsnort" too when I first read your post.

11:40 PM  

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