Not that this is of any real importance, but did anyone see The Office on thrusday? PRAISE THE LORD! Pam's finally sticking up for herself. (Sorry, I love this show and I've been waiting for that moment for a LONG time!)

Not to mention Dwights crawl across the "Coal Walk." Amazing!
"Look out world, cause old Pammy is gettin' what she wants. And DON'T call me Pammy!"
Love this show and totally laughed my head off when I watched it Friday afternoon. I had to save it so my bro could watch it too. So I watched it a second time. This episode was great! It's about time that Pam said what she felt.
totally did and i loved it! i really appreciated that the finale "cliff-hanger" didn't entirely revolve around jim and pam. we were left with some kind of closure for them until next season!
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