You Know That Friend...?
Somedays it takes longer than others in the morning for me to go from this....
On this particular day, I had to make my hair spectacular, and my dress cute....
because you know that friend you met on the play ground in elementary school? The one that introduced you to boy bands, and posters, and music, and all things cool? The one that stuck by your side when a boy called you a duu duu head? The one that ended up being your date to every dance, when no boy would ask you? The one that double dated with you to prom? Walked with you at graduation? The one that was your BFF all the way till the end of high school, and then some how disapeared off the face of the earth as soon as college came around? Well, she made an appearance, and I got this strange invitation in the mail inviting me to her wedding.
Well, On June 9th, my old best friend Sierra married Chris at the Carmel Mountain Country Club. Here are some pictures from the day.

This is Julie, another one of our crew. She was that really funny friend. The one that would wear bright orange, and tie dye, and not care what anyone thought. We also were really close.

This lovely young woman is Stephanie. The fourth member of our crew. (The fith, Leticia, is in Iraq) Steph and I had this great motto in high school. "A true friend will dig into your refrigerator without asking." Her parents were all of our second parents. We spent most of our time at her house.

The wedding was fun. It's crazy. 2 of the five are married. 1 is engaged. 1 says she'll never get married. And then there's me. Lord? ;)
The Five: (From Left to Right) Sierra, Jael, Julie, Stephanie, Leticia. After prom, 2003, at Dennys.
And in other news, I love this girl. Ashliegh. She's my Lil bit.
And in other news, I love this girl. Ashliegh. She's my Lil bit.
And lastly, Congatulations to my brother, who has finally graduated from Ju. High, and is entering high school! Dun dun dun!

Awwww, isn't he cute!
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