Leonardo Dicaprio

I just watched another movie where, yet again, good ol' Leo died courageously and dramatically leaving some poor broken hearted girl behind, and me in tears. Honestly, where does it end? How many girls does he have to die for before he finally proves he's in love? It's a little frustrating, and my noes is stuffy.
"noes" is a funny word. I assume you mean nose because if your toes were runny I would seriously advise you to consult a physician immediately. Now that I think about it, what if someone had a strange deformity where they had a hole in each big toe instead of having two nostrils in their nose...so no nose holes and a nostril per big toe. They would smell with their toes instead of their nose. But that would seriously stretch the concept of taste on a physical and philisophical level. Please meditate on this thought for a while and then maybe you will get inspired to take an art class for college just so you can illustrate this amazing visual. :o)
Whose heart did he break this time? (Please someone other than Kate Winselt!) I guess he's what you might call a "romantic hero".
And Joy, you are hilarious!
You're a nerd.
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