Monday, July 23, 2007

Buttsnort... Bucksnort...?

For those of you who were confused about the whole "buttsnort... bucksnort" situation, yes I changed the spelling. I definitely misunderstood a thick southern accent. We went to Nashville on Friday, and I did see the sign for Bucksnort, so as an eye witness, it is a real place, buttsnort or not.

Another correction I have to make is that Fireflys are not loud as I was informed. The bugs I heard were actually Katydids. They are incredibly noisy, like a grinder or car engine, and you get them all together, and it's like a really bad opera. People here just ignore them, but I was so distracted. In the evening when I was in a park area, you could hear them really well.

I had an amazing time. I went to Nashville, down town Memphis, to a couple church things, a marriage seminar, Sonics, and yesterday I saw Hairspray (which is AMAZING by the way) with my new friend Anna, and then we went to a "Grill Out" or a "Cook Out" that the youth group has every Sunday night. Anna thinks they call them "BBQ's" in SD. I was confused at first, but we laughed really hard when we figured it out. She said the first time she went to a "BBQ" in southern CA, she was so excited because BBQ sauce is huge here in Tennessee, but she got real upset when she got there and realized it was just a grill out. My last night here, I hung out at her house, it's kind of like the SD girls house, and a bunch of people came over and we watched season two of the Office until midnight thirty. It was super fun. We've got Office fanatics in Memphis as well.

I'm coming home today, and I'll put up some pictures as soon as I can. I took like a billion, especially of Baby Jude, so I'm excited to get them all loaded on my computer. Love you all, and see you soon.