Old Guys and Their Grandsons
I love rambunctious, talkative old men. They're just great. And they're even better when they try to hook you up with their ever so attractive grandsons, as was the case with Mr. Man who came into my work tonight with his wife and 21 year old, good looking grandson Jack. Because I am such a cute, entertaining waitress, it doesn't really matter that we've just met, I have suddenly become worthy of their precious boy. Let me relate our little interview to you. (Yes, I said interview.)
Me- Hi everyone, my name is Jael, and if you need anything I'll be taking care of you tonight.
Old Man- What's your name?
Me- Jael.
Old Man- Let me see.
Me- (I show him my name tag)
Old Man- Aww, that's nice.
about 5 minutes later...
Me- Everything ok here?
a few seconds of jokes and cheerful bantering, and suddenly the old man grabs my hand and observes the heart on my ring finger...
Old Man- You're not married are you?
Me- (a little surprised) No.
Old Man- Divored or anything of the sort?
Me- Nope, not divoriced.
Old Man- Single?
Me- (A little despondant) Yep. Still single.
Old Man- So, some lucky guy still has a chance to catch your heart?
Me- (I cover my face with my tray trying not to laugh, and glance at the grandson who's face is just as red as my own.) I guess so.
Old Man- Hmmmm...
Good Looking Grandson- (In attempt to rescue me from such an awkward situation) Well, bye.
Me- Uhh, bye. (I leave)
as I got farther and farther away, the bursts of laughter release uncontrollably. it was amazing. the rest of the night continued on as the old man continued to bombard me with questions, just making sure I might be the one, grandson looking incredibly embarrased and awkwad and shy, an unable to look at me, and cute little wifey in the corner, beaming with a knowing smile.
In the end, old man thanks me for being such a pleasant waitress, and affirms that I've made the dinner all the more enjoyable, than shoots grandson a look that screams, "this is your last chance mister." We of course make small talk to which old man keeps quiet the whole time, but alas, no offer of love or winning my heart is made. bummer.
So, needless to say, my night was fabulous.
In other news, I never posted about my spring break, but Shayna, Haylee and I went to LA to the LA Garment District to shop, and then to Santa Monica Pier. It was an amazing road trip that took much longer than it should have, since we ended up lost 5 times and ultimately about 100 miles east of our official destination. Stupid Carpool Lanes just get you lost and spit you out on freeways you're supposed to avoid but don't realize you're on them till it's too late. Anyway, here are some pictures.
Shayne looking a little risquey behind a manaquin.
Shayna looking pretty sweet in a hat. Can I get a shalom?!!
Transformation on Santa Monica Pier.
The tiny little smoking section on the pier.
I really wanted to go to Hollywood, but I couldn't talk the girls into it. Lucky for me, Haylee spotted a star for me to put my hand on.
Still on the pier with the ferris wheel behind us.
Danceing on the beach.
Squish Face!
Shayna and I looking super cute in the sand.
Shayna took this candidly of Haylee and I, and I love it!
Later, since we drove through Long Beach, we called my cousin's girlfriend, and met the two of them at her house for dinner.
My cousin Nyk, and his girlfriend Michelle. They're both super sweet.
So, I had an amazing spring break, and that whole day rocked! Except that I got a fix it ticket, and have to drive back up to LA to a court to show I took care of the problem, so if anyone feels like a road trip with me, let me know!
Me- Hi everyone, my name is Jael, and if you need anything I'll be taking care of you tonight.
Old Man- What's your name?
Me- Jael.
Old Man- Let me see.
Me- (I show him my name tag)
Old Man- Aww, that's nice.
about 5 minutes later...
Me- Everything ok here?
a few seconds of jokes and cheerful bantering, and suddenly the old man grabs my hand and observes the heart on my ring finger...
Old Man- You're not married are you?
Me- (a little surprised) No.
Old Man- Divored or anything of the sort?
Me- Nope, not divoriced.
Old Man- Single?
Me- (A little despondant) Yep. Still single.
Old Man- So, some lucky guy still has a chance to catch your heart?
Me- (I cover my face with my tray trying not to laugh, and glance at the grandson who's face is just as red as my own.) I guess so.
Old Man- Hmmmm...
Good Looking Grandson- (In attempt to rescue me from such an awkward situation) Well, bye.
Me- Uhh, bye. (I leave)
as I got farther and farther away, the bursts of laughter release uncontrollably. it was amazing. the rest of the night continued on as the old man continued to bombard me with questions, just making sure I might be the one, grandson looking incredibly embarrased and awkwad and shy, an unable to look at me, and cute little wifey in the corner, beaming with a knowing smile.
In the end, old man thanks me for being such a pleasant waitress, and affirms that I've made the dinner all the more enjoyable, than shoots grandson a look that screams, "this is your last chance mister." We of course make small talk to which old man keeps quiet the whole time, but alas, no offer of love or winning my heart is made. bummer.
So, needless to say, my night was fabulous.
In other news, I never posted about my spring break, but Shayna, Haylee and I went to LA to the LA Garment District to shop, and then to Santa Monica Pier. It was an amazing road trip that took much longer than it should have, since we ended up lost 5 times and ultimately about 100 miles east of our official destination. Stupid Carpool Lanes just get you lost and spit you out on freeways you're supposed to avoid but don't realize you're on them till it's too late. Anyway, here are some pictures.
This is the entrance to the LA Garment District. Everything was super cheap.
You walk down a little plaza and people have little areas rented out where they try to sell their stuff.
This was our Group; Shayna, Me and Haylee.

So, I had an amazing spring break, and that whole day rocked! Except that I got a fix it ticket, and have to drive back up to LA to a court to show I took care of the problem, so if anyone feels like a road trip with me, let me know!
love,Love, LOVE it all! I really like the new profile pic. Probably your best yet! Love ya
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