Saturday, March 17, 2007


Story # 1: Rhianne

Apparently Stars are actually not stars, but according to Rhianne, they are teeth that were thrown into the sky (aka shooting stars) by the Tooth Fairy after she collects them from under your pillow. She knows this because the Tooth Fairy herself wrote Rhianne a personal letter explaing this to her. She spends a good deal of time trying to locate her teeth in the sky, as she has lost many already.

Story # 2: Vladimir

Vladimir, (not from church, but from work) told me he wanted to help me with side work today, (he's new) because he believes in "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you." I responded with my own personannal theory, "Do your side work or you'll get fired." I think he agreed. ;)

Story # 3: Paul

My brother told me a cute story today about a boy name Paul. He claims Paul is a little on the odd side, but he has the best reactions to things. Today as they were waiting in line to get their pictures taken, Paul was sitting in the picture chair. The photographer came and postitioned Paul with his hands crossed over his knees, then left the room for a moment. Another photographer came and repositioned Paul uncrossing his hands, then she left for a moment. The first photographer came back, and irritated with Paul's change of position, put his hands back across his knees, only to leave the room and the second come in and uncross them once more. The second time the 1st photographer came in she was so frustrated with Paul as he "tried" in his awkward nature to explain what had happened, she told him to get out of the chair and that he would not get his picture taken. Then she told my brother and his friends to go to the end of the line for laughing. (They had witnessed the whole thing.) Finally my brother and Paul's teacher came in the room and asked Paul, a bit exhasperated, "Why would the photographer ask me if you were in special ed?"

Story # 4: Charlie the Unicorn

This is weird.


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

Story #4...SCARY! Thanks to you I will be having nightmares of unicorns calling my name and leading me to Candy Mountain. Save me Jesus!

8:12 PM  
Blogger joy said...

what would possess you to post such a disturbing video. the name "charlie" is forever creepy in my mind....eek!

11:10 AM  

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