Friday, July 28, 2006

Wind and Sea

No, the title is not the beginning of a poem, but it would be a good one don't you think? The title of this blog is the name of a beach that most of you probably know, but I went to for the very 1st time Monday night. It's a smaller beach in La Jolla that is somewhat similar to La Jolla cove. Our company included the good lookin group in the picture below.

I started the journey unaware of the events that lay ahead, as do most adventres. All I knew was that in some way I would be running into the ocean, into the waves and pain was more of a definate than a possibiblity. Scary, but exciting none the less.

We arrived at Wind and Sea around 9:30 pm. The whole area was dark, but the hotels along the street lit a glow upon the water that just revealed the most beastly waves I've ever seen in person. They rose above your head and crashed down sending a splash that flew high into the air. The beach was lined with large rocks and little mini cliffs. We had to travel maybe half a mile down the shore, which meant waiting for the waves to draw back, and then running as fast as you could past the rocks before the waves came back and slammed you into them.

We finally got far enough to a place Laura approved of. The rocks curved creating a cove and in the middle of our own private cove, crashed the formentioned "beastly" waves.

This was the game. Run to where the waves broke, turn your back on them, and wait till one hit the bottom part of your legs, knocked you down from under your feet and carried you to the top of the beach. Sound fun? Sound crazy? Sound stupid? It was amazing!!! Take the dark night sky, the sound of the water, the screams of our crew, mix it all together, and the whole atmosphere was exciting and thrilling and dangerous. Standing in the deep black sea you lose control as this powerful force of nature God designed drags you around, and at times, without the hand of a watchful friend, you could possibly be pulled out to sea. You then stand up, your shorts feeling a little heavier than before. You check and find your pockets filled with bulks of sand. There's so much in the water that every corner of your body, including your hair is caked with it.

Our hearts were beating fast, our excitement level was rising. Some of us were afraid. Some of us ran straight into the walls of water and took the beating with all we had in us. None of us left without battle wounds. We woke up the next morning with burns and bruises. Personally, I hurt everywhere.

It's funny how one simple idea, (which was thought up by one amazing woman named laura by the way) can become such a huge thing, such an adventure, and we didn't even have to drive further than a few miles.

Without further ado, here are pictures from the night. I couldn't get any of us actually getting kicked around by the waves since it was so dark, but you can just look at the joy on our faces and get an idea of how much fun we had.

For example, have you ever seen a happier face?

This one's a little blurry, but I like how dark the back ground is, and we're soaking wet!

The guy's model faces...

The girl's model faces...

Two more happy faces!

And this is just a random picture of a guy Joanna and I met later that night at the living room cafe. We liked his hair alot and asked if we could take his picture.

The next day I woke up around 1 exaughsted, worn out, not wanting to get up, and filled with joy from the night before! I know the most amazing people, and am so blessed to have friends who are fun, joy filled, and love God wholely and passionately, (except maybe for the guy in the picture above;). Who could ask for more.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Tickles my Ears

I have this whole blog I want to write about this crazy thing I did on Monday, but my computer won't let me dowload the pictures, so it will have to wait. In the mean time, here's some funny things I've heard in the last couple weeks. Jimmy did it and I thought it was a good idea.

"I don't wan't to sit here. It's too dark. This is where you bring the ugly date."

"I'll give her a waa, and a hi yaa, and I'll kick her sir!"

"We're going to find you a husband." (Marisol)
"You don't have my permission to find me a husband." (Me)
"But you want one so we're going to find you one. At the club."
"But he has to be Christian."
"We'll just call out for all the Christian one's to line up, and then we'll interview them."

"The first time my knee went out I was playing football. The second time Basket ball. The third time wrestleing. The fourth time I was walking. The fith time I was just standing there."

"Who's shoes are these? No ones? Fine, leave them." 20 minutes later. "Oh crap, those were my shoes."

"My grandma and I have different ways of putting things together. For instance, she's very picky and I put things together like a man. It was a very difficult process, but in the end, we got the thing assembeld. Wait, I just heard her yell the fans not working."

(At the Phil Wickham concert)
"What about that girl?"
"She's here cuz she's in love with him."
"Her sister doesn't seem to share her oppinion."
"She dragged her here. She's hoping to convert."

After waking up at 1 in the afternoon from being out till 3am.
"Wow, you look beautiful." (<-Grandma; note the sarcasm)

"Why do people think I'm cocky?"
"Maybe it's how you walk."
"I'm not cocky. Anyway, here's a picture of me, and here's another. Oh, and there's me again!"
(Hee hee, in case you read this, you're not cocky. The whole thing was just funny.)

"Did you hear Carl broke his hand?"
"Oh no, Julia!"

"Why is it, that the things we dislike the most, God seems to stamp a big thing on our heads that says, 'here, make me do this'? Oye, I love the phone, I love the phone."

O.K, I have to go get ready for gc. Hope at least one of them made you laugh. Later.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


Mom's are great. For 21 years now, my mom has been my mom. She's raised me with my dad, she's raised me as a single parent, and she's raised me in about 20 stinken different houses and appartments, but never the less, no matter what, she's always been able to take care of me, and my bother. We've never been without. Even as a single mom, she worked hard and we've always had a roof over our heads. She's the reason I'm a Christian. Times in my life where I wasn't serving God she made sure I was in church at least 2 extra times a week. She always made my faith her first priority. She's the strongest woman I've ever met. She's been through so much, but she's a survivor. She always has been, and she's done her best to train me to be the same.

In these past couple months my faith and character have been tested like never before. The fire's hotter and the water's deeper than it's ever been. Sometimes it feels like I'm drowning. Sometimes it feels like I'm failing miserably. But my good ol' survivor mother, in one moment did what no other person has managed to do in this season of my life. All it took was one conversation, one rebuke filled with love for her daughter, and she's changed my whole mindset on my situation. I don't know how she did it, I don't know how she even knew I needed to hear what she said, but I feel so much stronger than I did yesterday. So much more ready to trust God for what I need. So much more thankful than I've ever been for the stregnth she is in my life.

There's no memories like the ones you have with your mom. No love like the love you feel for her. And no need like the need you have for her. I'm so greatful for my mom. There's no one else like her. She'd do anything for anyone. She's laid her life down for Christ. And she's sacraficed her dreams and desires for her family. She's Wonder Woman, and I love her.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Pastor's Business Card

I thought this was cute.

A new pastor was visiting in the homes of his parishioners. At one house it seemed obvious that someone was at home, but no answer came to his repeated knocks at the door. Therefore, he took out a business card and wrote "Revelation 3:20" on the back of it and stuck it in the door.

When the offering was processed the following Sunday, he found that his card had been returned. Added to it was this cryptic message, "Genesis 3:10." Reaching for his Bible to check out the citation, he broke up in gales of laughter.
Revelation 3:20 begins "Behold, I stand at the door and knock." Genesis 3:10 reads, "I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid for I was naked."

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Front Page News!!!

So, I was reading this story in the news paper the other day, (yes, I was reading the news paper) about this lady who was driving in clairmont, and her engine caught fire. It flamed up so fast that when she was trying to get out, her sleeves, (they were long) caught fire as well. It just so happend that a cop was driving by. She starts running towards his car, flailing her arms in the air, and the cop pulls out his gun and shoots her. I know, I was just as shocked as you. But I continued to read and found this. "When investigators asked officer Skeoch why he shot Miss. Smith, he simply replied, 'because she was waving her fire arms.'"

Took you a minute, didn't it. HA HA!