Friday, July 04, 2008

Yay for New Seasons!

It's a new season, so I dyed my hair to mark it.. twice cuz the first one felt like the old season :) (If you were there, you might understand that) But now its new and red and exciting, and that's how things are looking. Old things are passing away. Old desires, old ideas, old way of doing things. The highlights were great, nice, safe, pretty. Some nasty orange tried to get in, but I killed it, and stained it with an adventurous red; dark, mysterious and bold. And brave.

Sometimes we feel like were stuck with one color. One season that we've become comfortable in. It was safe, it was a sure thing. You knew what to expect in the morning, and you knew that no matter what, people were going to like the blond, like the security that you would see them, you'd pass by, not say or do anything too extreme, too intense. And after a while you fall into complacency, attitudes become laxidasical, and you forget that we were meant to change, to move on and become better, stonger, more influential.

Sometimes you have to dye your hair a deep, dark red, (especially if on the first try it turns orange, begging you not to move, begging you to stay in the season and avoid all danger.) Sometimes you have to make a bold move and take a risk. Jump out of a plane. Mama bird pushes her baby out of the nest. If you don't jump, you'll never soar.

Pray a little longer. Linger a little longer. Read the Word a little longer. Talk to this person, talk to that person. They say they're sick? Well, pray and see them healed. Do something risky. Like write all this down... now you're accountable to it.


It's a bold move. Some people like it. Some people say they liked the blond better. People write in year books, "Don't ever change!" Pshh. Run from that. We were meant to change. Without change, without risk, without the work, we can never soar higher.

Oh red hair.

Oh faith.

Oh waiting.

Oh moving.

Oh orange that pulls me back.

Oh red that beckons me forward.

Oh God, that pulls me closer. Pulls me higher. Pulls me tighter.

This is dangerous. This is love. This is a new season.

I love my new hair. Let the world see, Jael will never be the same.

I love my new season.

Good bye Blond.
Good bye Yesterday.

Hello Life


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't know me, but I found this blog. Thank you for saying this. It spoke to me right where I am. It's true we are called to move forward and to change and to be different and better than we currently are.
Thank you.

10:05 AM  

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