Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Joy and Jael's Last Laugh

"If I ever become a mummy, I'm going to have it so when somebody opens my lid, a boxing glove on a spring shoots out." Jack Handy

So I read this quote by Jack Handy, and laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants. Anyway, Joy and I were discussing it's awesomeness, and decided we would like to do it. But since we're not going to be mummys, and there's a possibility we may be creamated, we've decided to go in on a coffin together, and we'll put two springs inside, one for each of us. On our tomb stone it will say, "Open coffin 100 years from now for great surprise!" Then, on the coffin lid, it will say, Joy and Jael's last laugh. Then, the poor, unsuspecting victim will open the lid, and...

BAAM! BAAM! (Cuz there's two.)


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