Tuesday, April 22, 2008


So, Pastor Jerry has been preaching on words, and guarding what you say. You create your world with your words. This particualr word has been very powerful, and I've been thinking about it a lot, and really trying to put it into practice in my life, more so than any other word I've ever heard preached. But sometimes, on the outside, you'll hear me say things like, "I'm blessed" and "I love being a Christian, because even though my tires flat, I can still trust God that He's good and He's going to take care of me," and then that last straw things happens, and while my mouth is saying, "I just love my life so much. I'm so blessed," my inside is screaming, "I HATE THIS DAY! I HATE THIS DAY!"


Blogger joy said...

LOL! God bless those moments!!!

6:03 PM  
Blogger Leah said...

Hahahahahahaha! I TOTALLY know what you mean :)

8:30 AM  

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