Tuesday, May 13, 2008

My Intern Group

We had a little 2003-2005 intern reunion group pic at Scott's wedding.

L-R: Jenny, Jael, Donald, Scott, Ashley, David.

The funniest part is...

I'm the last single person of the group.

Which can only mean one thing...


Blogger joy said...

that you're in no hurry?

6:08 PM  
Blogger brittany said...

im glad i read this now...
the time has come to stand for all you belive in!
and i for one am sing my praise to you, jesus! [for bringing you youre hubby]
the time is cominh jael, its coming! woooooooo!
seeing that picture made me sad though... cuz it made me miss donald, and feel bad for donna...
heheheh so cute

8:08 PM  
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