The Princess and the Pirate

I feel I've told this story a million times already, but I just love it so much, so here it goes again.
Before I start, I have to warn you, that Abby is the smartest 3 year old I've ever met in my life. For the first 2 months I watched her, I thought she was 5. No joke. Okay, here's my story.
I watched a pair of 3 year olds this week. Abby, and her friend Max. As Abby was waiting for her special play date, she runs downstairs, and ascends back up completely transformed into her Princess Aurora costume, (Sleeping Beauty for those of you scratching your heads.) She gracefully dances to my side and asks, "Do you think Max will like my dress?"

A little taken aback, I reply, "I don't know honey. He's a boy, and boys aren't to big on dresses at this age."
Not to be discouraged, she just shrugs and sways off into the kitchen.
Not too long after, the guest of honor arrives. I open the door, and there before my eyes stands (in full garb,) a pirate! Or, a 3 year old boy in a pirate costume. Or, "Jack Sparrow" as Max respectively informed me.

At this point Abby runs out and pulls Max into a giant hug. I look upon the two and think with a chuckle, "Hmmm, the Princess and the Pirate."
So in our costumes we are whisked away to the playground in the backyard where the 2 characters jump on the swings and plee for me to push them. I of course humbly oblige, and begin the event. As I am pushing the friends, they each are singing their very own, made up songs at the same time.
Abby's song is very sweet and melodic, and is called the La La La Song. It goes something like this;
"This is the La La La Song.
La La La.
And I La La La as I wait for the man I love.
La La La."
While on the other swing, Max is rocking out to a song with no name.
Yes, interestingly enough he got a Dora in there. He may have stolen a glance at the princess at that particular moment in time.
So after the swings, the Princess and the Pirate decide to play the Princess and the Pirate atop the jungle jim. As I'm now situated on the swing, I am informed that the grass has become hot lava, which is unfortunate because I am only a couple feet above it. The Princess pretends to fall down the slide a few times while the Pirate saves her, all the while shouting out comments such as, "ARRRRRGGGG," and "Yo Ho Ho," and of course, "Walk the plank!"
After a while of this, Abby decides it's time to give me a lesson about hot lava. It went something like this; (now remember, smartest 3 year old in the world here.)
"Now, should you ever fall into a pit of hot lava, and you die, there is only one way to come back to life. A boy must kiss you. Now, if you wake up, and you know the boy, (this next part must be said faintly, like a princess,) 'Oh, I knew it was you.' But if you wake up, and you don't know him, you just say thanks."

Obviously this girl knows what she's talking about. Of course I'll have to try to avoid actually falling into a pit of hot lava, because I wonder, should that happen, how would the boy find the lips? It's a conundrum.
Well, if you have any questions, just leave me a Dear Abby, and I'll be sure to pass them on, and get back with an answer.

Ok so I feel so lame for not catching up on blogs, but I am so glad I hit your page first! This was so cute. When I come down again I want to meet this princess and pirate!
And in defense of my "ardent" affection for the movie Juno, obviously while I don't agree with the concept of teen pregnancy, I thought it was a good story. And Ellen Page was excellent. I have friends who can relate to this and I loved watching it. Although I can see why you didn't like it...but I love that we can still be friends!
It was good to see ya last weekend! Love ya and have a great week!
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