Tuesday, September 18, 2007


Please, please watch this. This is the most amazing Office Clip I've ever seen. It's a deleted scene, and it's hilarious!

Ryan & Kelly in the Dumpster


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

I'm sorry, why was this deleted?! Hehehe

And in response to some of your comments (which made me laugh by the way):

-I will definitely watch HAIRSPRAY with you when I come down next time. Although, I did post a blog about meeting me for a showing. You gotta keep up with my mad-blogging skills.

-I'm sorry you feel that way about the HSM2 thing. I admit, the first one was AWFUL and a COMPLETE waste of time. But the second one in 1000000x's better and so cheesy you just have to love it! Plus the music is way better (I should know; I bought the soundtrack!) And even as unrealistic as it is, who wouldn't want a cafeteria that breaks out in song? Life really should be a musical.

-Jeremy and Laura's wedding was a blast and absolutely beautiful. I had so much fun visiting you all and it makes me miss you more!

-And I'm sure that if I put everyone I talk with in a cave, they'd never talk to me again! Then again, it would be cool, kinda like a little museum, only bigger. I was thinking more like having "mini-you's" or "pocket-size" friends. Then you could take them wherever you go!

8:30 PM  

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