Thursday, November 23, 2006

What Happened to Marisol

So the craziest, most intense unbelievable thing happened at work to one of my coworkers last night, but it’s so wild it seems like something you’d read in a book or the news paper, so I have to write it like a story instead of just telling you what happened.

Everything you are about to read, is not fiction, but is in fact based on true events. Hold onto your hats, and keep at least one eye open. You are about to enter, the twilight zone. :)

“Traffic is so bad.” Said Marisol into the telephone to her friend and coworker Jael. “There’s cops up ahead so something happened, and we’re not moving.”

“So how long till you get here?” Replied the other waitress. “Like half an hour?”

“More like an hour.”

“Ah bummer. Works boring with out you.”

“Ha ha, I know. See ya soon.”

“Alright, bye friend.”

Jael hung up the phone and laughed at the thought of her friend. What Marisol lacked in height, she made up in personality. No matter what she did, whether walking, working, or explaining rush hour traffic, she did it all with great energy and always with a hint of laughter in her tone. Marisol was one of the most entertaining people she’d ever met, and made working so much more enjoyable.

She got out of her car and headed to her restaurant, a fun and tasty Mexican food place with a family atmosphere, except on Friday nights when the bar was full and karaoke ran ramped, (always entertaining, yet incredibly agitating as well.)

An hour later Marisol entered the restaurant trembling, eyes wide with fear. She went straight to the phone and began dialing. When she finished, the other servers followed her into the back and began prying for answers.

“Someone just tried to shoot me.”
“WHAT?!!!” Came the replies from Marisol’s coworkers. They listened as she began to relay her story.

“After I hung up with you Jael I decided to get off the freeway since traffic was so bad.” Her voice was fast and edgy. No smile made it to her lips. She stood stiff, but continued. “Someone followed me in a green truck. And started shooting at me.”

No one could speak. Not even 30 seconds into the story and we all had a hard time believing it.
“He followed me all the way to work. I lost him in the parking lot and hid in my car. He drove around. When I saw a crowd of people walking by I got out and walked with them hoping I’d blend in. Afterwards, I called the cops. They said I was the second person who had reported the same incident and the same truck.”

She finished up her story and walked away leaving a speechless audience. Jael was about to walk away but heard the quiet voice of the Holy Spirit telling her to follow Marisol. Once inside the dressing room she asked Marisol if she was ok.

“Not really.” She replied. “I can barely stand, I’m shaking and I’m scared. I don’t know how I’m going to work tonight but Maria told me to take tables.”

She was about to walk out but Jael stopped her. “Wait, let me pray for you.” She said more as a command then an offer.

Marisol accepted and Jael began a short prayer for peace, offering up thanks for protection, hopefully making the girl feel God was on her side. After the Amen, the two hugged and went back to work.

The night went on normally, the events of the day fading away for Jael as she focused on her work, until an hour later she walked into the kitchen and saw a server laying on the floor. She knew instantly who it was, and somehow exactly what had happened. Marisol, overwhelmed by the stress, had fainted. She soon would find out how right she was.

She ran to grab towels to lay under her head, and then began stroking her head and praying in tongues under her breath. Laura, a manager, was gently bidding Marisol to wake up. Another server grabbed some tequila and started rubbing it under her nose and around her cheeks, but the girl was not responding.

A strength surrounded Jael and she knew what she had to do. She spoke silently under her breath, “Marisol, wake up in Jesus name.” The moment the words left her mouth, Marisol’s eyes shot open! She began looking around her claiming her head hurt.
Jael ran for Marisol’s phone and called her family, while Maria, another manager was on the phone with the police.

When Jael returned she told Marisol her sister and father had been contacted. She nodded her head and mentioned she still had tables waiting for their orders to be taken. Laura looked at Jael who replied, “I got it.” She laid her hand on her friends head on last time, whispering one last prayer and took off for the tables.

She forced a smile on her face, fighting back the tears that threatened to break though. She arrived and said as cheerful as she could to a table of four who had already had their drinks, “Hi, my names Jael, and I’ll be taking over for your server today.” As soon as her sentence finished, an ambulance pulled up and parked right in front of the window that stood between the table and the parking lot. The customers simultaneously turned their heads from Jael to the flashing vehicle outside, then back to their new server.

“What happened?” One woman asked.

Jael smiled as best she could. “Someone fainted.” They stared in silence. “Their OK.” Blinks. “Now, who’s ready to order?”

The night went on, feeling like forever. Jael was asked to stay late for Marisol. She worked as best she could, covering worry, praying constantly for her friend, trying her best not to cry.
The end of the evening was approaching and as she was solemnly putting dishes in the bus station she heard the most welcoming voice in the world call her name.


She turned to find Marisol standing in the kitchen with a giant Marisol smile on her face.
She tossed her dishes without bothering to scrape the food off and ran to her friend screaming as dramatically as she could, “YOU’RE ALIVE!!!”

They both laughed and hugged as Marisol showed her the patches the doctors put on her chest and the doctors note proclaiming her diagnosis. “Fainting due to extreme levels of stress and fear.”

They joked about the prior events, easing each one’s worry and stress. They hugged one more time before Marisol left with her family.

Jael smiled feeling multitudes better and finished her night no longer forcing a smile and thanking God for his ultimate protection, and divine hand in every situation, and for the knowledge, that He is in control.

The End!


Blogger Sounds Like Natella said...

OH MY WORD! Again, a well-written post and absolutely, incredibly, most definitely one of the coolest testimony stories EVER! Happy Thanksgiving!

1:31 PM  
Blogger Sounds Like Natella said... again! Yeah, I cut my hair about a month ago; just got more layers. It's the best cut I've ever gotten! (Still looks good after a month.)

Also, in response to my PS3 post, I haven't heard about any shootings, but I wouldn't put it past people to do something stupid like that!

Miss ya friend. I wish we could spend the holidays together again! ;)

6:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Jael! Just commenting to let you know that I'm thinking of you and praying for you... you make me smile! Love, Jackie O.

7:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

HOLY CANNOLI! You live an insane life my friend...

7:56 PM  
Blogger Jenny said...

that's a crazy story!! poor Marisol ... but, thank God you were there to support her and pray for the situation!

12:20 AM  
Blogger Deanna said...

That is crazy!!

11:39 PM  
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