50 Things I Really Like
Here are some things I REALLY REALLY like that you may or may not know about me.
(And for the record, *ahem-joy-ahem* they are in no particular order. Just randomly written from the top of my head)
1.) Hats and Sunglasses
I love hat days! And whether summer or winter, sunny or cloudy, sun glasses are just great all the time. People say hats and sun glasses are to keep the sun off your face, but I disagree. I think hats and sunglasses are simply meant to boost your cuteness level!
2.) Movies
Anyone that really knows me KNOWS I LOVE MOVIES!!! I mean, I really, really love watching movies, going to the movies, and in elementary I even started making movies. I stopped after high school, but one of my favorite things to do is just sit and watch a movie. What you see here in this picture is a small portion of my movie collection.
3.) Writting songs on the guitar.
I got this guitar for my 16th birthday, I think. It's an Ovation, and though I don't do it as much anymore, back in the day, I would spend hours on this thing making up songs. I love the guitar so much, my number one non-spiritual requirement for my husband, that I do pray for, is that he would play the guitar.
4.) Hair Design

I can't cut or do highlights, but when it comes to hair design, for me it's like painting or sculpting. It's art. Someone once pointed out that my signature is the funky hair styles I sport, which I'll take as a compliment. I LOVE doing hair. (The pictures above are my work.) In high school and Jr. High, I did mine, and my friends hair for every dance, including prom. There's just something about having a million and one possibilities, and you can pick any one, create your own, or do one thing, and something completely different turns out.
5.) RT56
RT56 is the highlight of my week. I love those kids, I love teaching them, and I love building relationships with them. These kids are one of the most fufilling things of my life.
6.) Reading and Writting Fiction
I got 3 gift certificates to book stores for my birthday, I think people know this about me ;) In 5th grade, I started reading a chapterbook a day. That love has not diminished, just the time. In Jr. High, I started writting poetry and stories.
7.) Good Friends
I've always been a firm believer that 1 really good friend is better than 100 popular ones. These girls and I were best friends from 5th grade all the way till the end of high school. This pic was taken after prom at Dennys. (note, the 3 on the left side, inculuding myself, all had their hair done by me for prom.) We were so close, that we started calling each other's parents "mommy" and "daddy." Our moto was, "a true friend will raid your refridgerator without asking." Things have changed, and we've all gone in different directions, and each of us have made a new group of "good friends," but I have no regrets.
8.) Children
9.) Working for Pastor Julia
10.) People
11.) Ketchup
12.) Mudd masks
13.) Bubble Baths
14.) The beach
15.) Home Improvment (The show)
16.) The Disney Channel
17.) When it's really windy
18.) Running in the rain
19.) Chocolate milk
20.) Traveling
21.) Phil Wickham
22.) Nora Jones
23.) One on one conversations
24.) Rubys Diner
25.) Hot Turkey Artichoke sandwiches at Panera
26.) Wearing tiaras
27.) Prom dresses
28.) Off the sholder shirts
29.) Red hair
30.) The name Oliver
31.) The last name Hawthorne
32.) Buying CD's of people I've never heard of before
33.) When Joy says "your mom"
34.) Pride and Prejudice
35.) Brittne's laugh
36.) Donald's stories
37.) Sushi
38.) The # 3
39.) The color purple (the actual color, not the movie)
40.) Pet fish
41.) Lots and lots of grass
42.) Folding laundry
43.) Fan fiction
44.) Being spontanious
45.) Windows
46.) The story of Joseph in the Bible
47.) Getting a prophetic word
48.) Spanish
49.) Meeting new people
50.) Dreaming
If you actually read all this, congradulations. You win... the satisfaction of knowing what to get me for Christmas. ;) J/K.
Love ya.
(And for the record, *ahem-joy-ahem* they are in no particular order. Just randomly written from the top of my head)
1.) Hats and Sunglasses

2.) Movies

3.) Writting songs on the guitar.

4.) Hair Design

I can't cut or do highlights, but when it comes to hair design, for me it's like painting or sculpting. It's art. Someone once pointed out that my signature is the funky hair styles I sport, which I'll take as a compliment. I LOVE doing hair. (The pictures above are my work.) In high school and Jr. High, I did mine, and my friends hair for every dance, including prom. There's just something about having a million and one possibilities, and you can pick any one, create your own, or do one thing, and something completely different turns out.
5.) RT56

6.) Reading and Writting Fiction

7.) Good Friends

8.) Children
9.) Working for Pastor Julia
10.) People
11.) Ketchup
12.) Mudd masks
13.) Bubble Baths
14.) The beach
15.) Home Improvment (The show)
16.) The Disney Channel
17.) When it's really windy
18.) Running in the rain
19.) Chocolate milk
20.) Traveling
21.) Phil Wickham
22.) Nora Jones
23.) One on one conversations
24.) Rubys Diner
25.) Hot Turkey Artichoke sandwiches at Panera
26.) Wearing tiaras
27.) Prom dresses
28.) Off the sholder shirts
29.) Red hair
30.) The name Oliver
31.) The last name Hawthorne
32.) Buying CD's of people I've never heard of before
33.) When Joy says "your mom"
34.) Pride and Prejudice
35.) Brittne's laugh
36.) Donald's stories
37.) Sushi
38.) The # 3
39.) The color purple (the actual color, not the movie)
40.) Pet fish
41.) Lots and lots of grass
42.) Folding laundry
43.) Fan fiction
44.) Being spontanious
45.) Windows
46.) The story of Joseph in the Bible
47.) Getting a prophetic word
48.) Spanish
49.) Meeting new people
50.) Dreaming
If you actually read all this, congradulations. You win... the satisfaction of knowing what to get me for Christmas. ;) J/K.
Love ya.
I had no idea you liked ketchup more than the beach.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...Ruby's Diner without me?! I'm so sad I missed it! This is BY FAR my FAVORITE post of all. You're a natural. I don't know how you were converted to myspace! Love you friend.
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