Sunday, September 30, 2007

Random Memory

You know those subs you had multiple times in High School, especially the one's that would do pretty memorable things? I had a few, but I was thinking of one in particular tonight that I haven't thought of since probably High School.

I don't remember her name, but she had this phrase she used a lot. "Hot Water." This woman LOVED this phrase. And she used it multiple times. She would find new ways to use it too. She was very irritable, and had no tolerance for misbehavior, and whenever she was angry, she'd say things like, "One more time mister, and you're in hot water!" Or, "This class is rediculous. You are all really close to being in hot water!" Over and over. She couldn't get enough of this phrase.

We used to keep tally of how many times she would say the phrase. We'de each have our little sheet of paper hidden in our note books, and every time she'd pull out a, "Buster, you better watch it cause you're this close to getting into hot water," we'de pull it out and mark a little tally. These tally's would often exceed 20 marks. Like I said, she was very irritable.

Don't know why I remembered that, but it made me laugh. Hope you got a chuckle out of it as well.


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