Thursday, January 25, 2007


A Fond Memory

It was my 1st year of interns. We had just spent a week in Washington DC, came home for a day, then left for Seattle. We had to attend the first conference a couple hours after our arrival. Not only were we all exhausted, but I had just found out as soon as I had landed in SD that my great grandma had just died. (I know this is titled a fond memory, but just give it a second. It gets better.) We're all sitting in our chairs, trying not to fall asleep when TL Osborn gets up to preach. He was incredible after the first half hour, pretty good after the first hour, but by the second hour, we all wished him in another country. Now here are some comments made by the interns of 03-04lthat I will never forget...

Scott: Looking very irritated, turns over towards Pastor Miles, (our chapparon) who's quite a few seats down and says, loudly, "Can we go now?"

Brittne: "I'm so tired I've been shoving the point of a pencil in my hand just to stay awake."

Pastor Miles: I've been slouching in my chair trying to keep my eyes open, and trying to sit up when I hear the Pastor, who was sitting to my left say, "Come on, stir yourself." "I'm up, I'm up!" I reply. "No," he continues, "I was talking to myself."

Aww, interns... Seattle... so many memories.

A Not so Fond Memory

Getting my car lost in lot 12, again, and searching 20 minutes for it. I love college parking lots!


Blogger joy said...

you searched for 20 minutes?!?!?! I didn't realize lot 12 was that ginormous!

12:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I still like to reminisce about that fateful night...

9:47 PM  

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