Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Snow Day!

(One of the snowy Julian roads. It all makes
me think of Narnia.)

20 years of my life have gone by, and until this past weekend, I had NEVER once been in snow! Until this past weekend, I had never picked up a snowball in my hand and thrown it at an unsuspecting victim. I had never mounded up balls of the icy cold substance to create the perfect snowman. I'de never seen or felt little flakes fall on my face. And until this past weekend, I'de never had such a perfect day, of which I'de like to share with you now.

My mom woke me up around 7am that day and said, "get up, we're going to Julian!" Seeing as how I didn't have a choice, I (literally) rolled out of bed and after checking the outside weather, which at the moment was rainy, got dressed and trudged all the way to the car. As we drove up the mountian the rain that was beating against our windshield was turning into something slushy. The roads went from black to white. Our car started sliding a little, and then to my great surprise, snow was building, thicker and thicker the higher we got.

(On a side note, I saw Josh Johnson walking around in the snow on the side of the road, and I asked my mom to stop but she was so scared of even driving, all I was aloud to do was call out his name. He didn't see me, but I called him later.)

We finally came to a spot that we had to stop at because we couldn't handle the waiting anymore. Of course, as soon as I jump out of the car, I'm extremely excited, and can't help but jump and dance and make poses like this...

The excitement continued, until it welled up so much I had to run around in circles till I was dizzy with joy! That turnned out a little something like this...

After a period of time, when we were ready, we drove up further into the mountain. Now, what's the first thing you would want to do if you've never been in snow before? I'll give you a hint...

That's right! Throw a snow ball, and capture your first snowball fight on camera. (Incase you were wondering, Joann (my cousin, and that's my mom behind her) did throw the snowball right after I took the picture and got my camera all wet. Lucky enough, the camera was ok.) I on the other hand was super ok, because guess what happened next?

I met this guy, and guess who he is?

His name is Mike and he's from KUSI news, and after a little conversation we had, he found out this was my first snow day and just absolutely HAD to get it on tape! So, if any of you watched the 10 O'Clock news last Friday night, you may have just seen me on it. If not, let me know, I've got it on tape :)

10 minutes into my first Snow Day and I'm already having the time of my life!

We walked around Julian for a while until we came to this cute little cafe, and I wish I could remember the name, but the food was great, and the place was owned by Christians. There were verses everywhere. We sat right by a window while we were eating, and then.... Magic...

The snow began to fall, heavily. My first snowfall, so of course I had to run out and enjoy it.

After breakfast, my mom wanted to go into this store that she likes, and as soon as we walk in, as if anything else could suprise me, the girl working just happened to be one of my best friends from elementary school that I haven't seen in over a year.

Her name is Leesa. She was my first friend when I moved to Ramona in 4th grade. I got to catch up with her and invite her to church. It was great!

Now, the next part of the day, I can't just jump in to. You see, of all the wonderful things that had already happened to me, the best was yet to come. There really arn't any words, so I'll just have to let these next few pictures speak for themselves, and pray that the same emotion that overwhelmed me that day, will take you just the same.

Awwww..... It doesn't get much better than that! Make your own snowman, use a little lip gloss for his nose, and two dimes for his eyes. I'm in love!

Thanks for shareing this wonderful day with me! Hope you enjoyed it just as much as I did.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

I went to Disneyland!

Hey all! I went to Disneyland this past weekend and I just wanted to share a few of my pictures with you.

The company of the Disney Traverlers included My mom,

who loves Disneyland more than anyone I know, and goes once a every couple months, and when she does, crazy things happen to her, such as, she grows big blue hands, which to any normal person would cause them to be a bit disgruntled, but as you can see on her face, this was not the case with my mom.

The rest of our company included my cousin Joann (left), who came down from Washington and is currently staying with us. She is Nicole's (center) sister, who is currently living with is. Then there is of course me on the right. We are in line for the Snow White ride which was fabulous because after a series of images of the ugly old witch, you come a painting of Snow White and her Prince, which doesn't make sense, because Snow White's not really anywhere else in the ride. It's, Witch, Witch, Witch cooking stew, Witch with an apple, Witch by some crows, Witch with green eyes, and then oh hey! Snow White and the Prince and everything's happy again!

This picture makes me proud. Never have I seen a man with such fasion sense in my life. I mean, can you really deny that those are the most awesome pants you've ever seen?

This little guy is Joann and Nicole's cousin's son. He is the wildest, most crazy 8 year old I've ever met, and the most fun. We played together all day, and by night time my mom said I had tamed him. We we're standing in line for Star Tours, and I'm on one side sitting on a bar and he's on the other. I'm talking to my mom on the right and out of the corner of my left eye, I see this being flying in the air at me, screaming a mighty war cry, and next thing I know, there's a kid in my arms, and I'm down on the floor. That was my day with Brandon. (He loved me!)

This is a cool hat picture I took for Jenny and Joy. (I took a few, but this is the best one.)

The picture's dark but I must share it because it is a great picture of all my dreams coming true. You see, my whole life I've been in love with Peter Pan, and this past weekend, I, Jael, got to meet him! Here we are, a happy pair standing side by side, (my cousin jumped in the picture unexpectedly, which upset me a litte, but she can be photo shopped out later, J/K). While the beginning of this adventure was great, things quickly began to turn. Peter wasn't a very nice boy, and I soon realized, it really would never work out between us. You go your whole life thinking you want one thing, and then one minute, God knocks you upside the head and you realize that He knows what's best for us, and it's not always what we think it is. On the bright side of all this, I can cross Peter off my potentials, and shorten the list.

Although, even if Peter was crossed off, there has been one more added. Meet Ricky.
We met in Downtown Disney, a little further down from the Rain Forrest Cafe. He's great. Sweet, manly, strong, intimidating, firm and silent. He never leaves home without his knives and hook, (and hat), so I'll always feel safe, and he's an absolute gentleman. Be praying for us!

DLand was great. It's always fun to hang with your family without any distractions, and just be completely goofy without having to worry about what others are thinking of you. I had a blast.

Love you all!

Oh, and I may start blogging again!