Tuesday, January 22, 2008

The Mom Song

This is a mom who took everything a mom would say in a 24 hour period, and condensed it into a 2 minute song. It's cute.

Anita Renfro's: The Mom Song

Monday, January 14, 2008

Palm Springs

Joy, Jenny and I all went to Palm Springs for a little mini vacation this weekend. Here are some pictures from the trip.

This place was the "hoppin hangout" of PS. It was a little court yard behind a coffe shop called...


Here's Joy's super model shot infront of Koffi.

This was the bottom of PS which was mostly desert, but there's quite an adventure waiting 10,000 feet at the top.

Like this blue Ram, of the Urban family,

a glass elevator...

with this view...

and then...

This is just a snow man, before we got to him.

Meet Fritler. (It's Frosty meets Hitler)

Some snow pictures.

Awww... the gang.

Here we are at a Mexican food restaraunt. I forget what it was called, but I had the BEST taco I've ever had in my entire life!

Like Hollywood, they have their own stars,

and chairs.
That's all. Hope you enjoyed.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Life Soundtrack

Do you ever wish there was a soundtrack for your life? Like, when you're walking, or something happens, and a certain mood or emotion hits, and you just wish a song would break out to play it up? Songs that you love the lyrics, or just how cool the song is. I love walking with my IPOD, (where ever it is now) because it gives me that soundtrack feeling. So if I had a sountrack to my life, these are some of the songs I'd want on it.

Brighter Than Sunshine by Aqualung
Chasing Cars and Open Your Eyes by Snow Patrol
Feeling Good by Michael Buble
Hey There Delilah by I don't know
Inside Outside by Delerious
Kissing You by Desre (for the more romantic season of my life)
No One by Alicia Keys
Stars Go Blue by Tim Mcgraw
The Blowers Daughter by Damien Rice

Those are just a few, but they've got such great dramatic and beautiful qualities. I think I want to much for my life to be like a movie. Hmmmm.... The closest I have is a busser that starts singing about his Corazon every time I walk into the kitchen at work. Ai mi.