Thursday, June 28, 2007


So, I told a riddle on the way up to camp, and no one could guess it till the way down. Kudos to Teacher Sean for getting the answer. I played this game called Tri Bond a while ago, where they give you three words, and you have to guess how they relate. For example;



Hot Sauce
Barbecue Sauce
Steak Sauce

I've been so into this game, I started making my own.

Can you guess it?

In the Ocean
In the Kitchen
On the Road

And here's one Sean Made up:


Post your answer in the comment box. Good Luck. And don't forget to check out my camp pictures below!

We Survived!

HEY FRIENDS! We're back from Route56 Survival Camp!!! It was a huge success! After climbing a series of steep hills numerous times a day, sleeping on a cot in a teepee with a big hole in the roof, (and the door,) rolling in the dirt, and surviving crazy intense games, (such as "Steal the Doogen," I'm sore all over, and I've never felt so good!

A lot went on, but there's too much to tell in words, so here are some pictures for you.

The Teachers

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Teacher Johnathon

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Teacher Katelyn

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Miss. Brittany

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Teacher Jared

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Teacher Sean and Miss. Janet

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Teacher Sean

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Miss. Jael and Pastor Natalie

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Miss. Jael and Miss. Katelyn

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Miss. Jenny and Miss. Jael

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Teacher Nic


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The Games

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The Doogen

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"The Dude"

The Preaching of the Word

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The Skits

Any picture you see of Nic and I are the intro skits, which we did before each of the main skits. They were a funny little rendition of Nic who loves the woods, and Jael, who hated the woods, (but was converted by the last day.) It then went into the main skit, "Big Tan Stan the Mountain Man" and his adventures of going through the woods to find his dad so he could be a real mountain man, while meeting some interesting friends along the way!

We had a "Big Tan Stan" theme song we sang whenever a character said his name. We stood off to the side of each main skit a narrated it.
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Big Tan Stan and Harry
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Me falling and rolling in the dirt to prove just how much I now loved the woods!
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Nic pouring dirt into my pocket (his improv) as another sign of my new found devotion
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Me belting I will always love you to the trees
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Me puting dirt in my hair as a sign of mounring the fact I have to leave. (It was the last day)
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Big Tan Stan "jumping off the mountain"
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Running Deer By Quiet Waters While Panting as one Who Thirsts meeting McDermot the Hermit
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On the Left is Running Deer, and on the right is her twin sister Gladys. On the bottom, McDermot the Hermit, Harry and Big Tan Stan.
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McDermot, BTS and Harry

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Running Deer By Quiet Waters While Panting as one Who Thirsts

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BTS finally finding his dad.
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Us laughing at the skit instead of narrating, which we did a lot.
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Being knighted Mountain Men!
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The Kids
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Teacher Nic and his boys
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Miss Jael and Katelyn and their girls
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Rocky the Raccoon
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The Campers!
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We had an amazing time! Thank you for all your prayers. Once again, camp was a huge success!!!