Saturday, May 26, 2007

My Brilliant Idea

I had something in my eye today. I couldn't see it, but I think it was dust. It was super painful, and I tried flushing it out for like 10 minutes, and still, I could feel that sucker just chillin like a villan. So I was at my computer, and I had an idea. It was a long shot, but worth a try. I have one of those, "air in a can" things that you use to dust your key board. It's pretty powerful. So, I tried it on my eye. 30 seconds later, wala! It's back to normal. No more dust particle, or whatever it was. Ta da! I'm thinking of copy writting.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Danceing Queen

A horse is a horse
Of course, of course
Unless your hourse
Can dance this course.

Friday, May 11, 2007

The Office

Not that this is of any real importance, but did anyone see The Office on thrusday? PRAISE THE LORD! Pam's finally sticking up for herself. (Sorry, I love this show and I've been waiting for that moment for a LONG time!)

Not to mention Dwights crawl across the "Coal Walk." Amazing!

Friday, May 04, 2007

Out of the Heart

So last night, when Jery did the transition from worship to word, I thought it was SOOO incredibly good. He said how would you like it if someone you loved only ever read other peoples love songs about you, and never once described what they really felt in their heart. I know we as leaders already understand this concept, and have practiced this since we've been coming to TCC, but how good to be reminded! To reach down inside, find the emotions that flood your soul for your Savior, and put them into beautiful lyrics.

Oh God, how You look at me with such wonder despite my shameful skin
Oh God, how You fill the places no one else can see or touch.
Oh God, how faithful Your love, as the sun is sure to rise, so is Your love to find me
Oh God, my soul aches to hear You speak
Oh God, that I could stand with You always, sit with You always, dream with You always
Oh God, how better really is one day in Your house, than THOUSANDS else where
Oh God, You're better than chocolate, You're better than book stores, You're better than movies
Oh God, how You fulfill like water in the desert
Oh God, how You look at me with such wonder despite my shameful skin