Sunday, October 22, 2006

GC Pictures

O.K, so maybe some of you have heard me mention this before, but it is very rare that I am ever put in a GC video, or a GC picture, and it's true. Infact, the most I've ever been shown in one is the one set I took with my camera and I had a couple pictures taken of me. Not to sound vain or stuck up, but 100 years from now, when people look back on GC foundations, I want them to know that I as once a part of it, that I helped it grow. I don't want to be forgotten, because I was a part of GC, am a part of GC, will always be one of the first few generations that laid a couple bricks down.

Well, needless to say, I have finally made a GC picture, and not just any random picture, but into the GC photo gallery. Are you ready for this??? Scroll down to see my beautiful picture that was counted worthy enough to make it in!!!!


Well now that my little dance party is over, be sure to read the next post dedicated to Joy on her Birthday!!!!!

Happy 23rd!!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY JOY!!! I had more and even awesomer pictures, but my comp. wouldn't let me download them!!! Anywho, here's the post I promised. If you missed this party, you missed out!

Friday, October 13, 2006

My Favorite Line

One of my favorite lines from a movie:

"This is the 2nd scariest day of my life."
"What was the 1st?"
"Every other freakin day of my life!!!"

Shaggy: Scooby Doo 1.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

A Unlikely Discovery

An update on these last few weeks of my life....

A couple weeks ago adorable little Miss. Savannah turned... dun duh duuunnnn.... ONE YEARS OLD!!!
congratulations Princess Savannah!

I went to her birthday which served gourmet PB & J's, grapes and potato chips. Not only did I get to enjoy a 1st class birthday lunch, but I got to hang out with three of my favorite girls!

Now, I have a little story for you... I made a discovery in my back yard the other day...

It's the creature that haunts your nightmares.....

Rarely is it seen on the ground....

It moves with great speed and agility bringing fear into the hearts of all its' prey...

It's unlike anything you've ever seen....

It's a.... It's a....


That's right!!!! It started with me looking at a lizard on a screen, continued with an extremely loud noise just over my roof, and ended with me chasing a helicopter that was flying just over my back yard and landed right behind our fence.

apparently some guy was working at his house and fell off a ladder and had to be life flighted out. Super sad. The EMT said that he would be fine, which is good, because I didn't have to worry, so I could be totally distracted at HOW STINKIN COOL it was that a helicopter landed right behind my back yard!!!! And of course, if that wasn't cool enough, check out this guy....

That's right... a cop on a horse! Who says you can't find adventure right in your own neighborhood.