Friday, August 25, 2006

The Best Birthday Ever!!!

Tuesday the 22nd was my 21st B-day! Only one more year till my Golden Birthday, but I don't plan on having another after this. I've pretty much decided to remain 21 for the rest of my life. The party took place at TGI Fridays, and turned out to be I think the best birthday I've ever had!!! Thank you all who came and made it so amazing! I was so blessed by the love and friendship you showed that night. Sorry if you didn't make it on the blog. I didn't start taking pictures till the end of the night after most people left. These are the lingerers.

One of my best friends on the whole planet, Joy. They don't make many like her anymore. Beatiful, talented, and so full of love and wisdom for every person she meets!!!

To funny and lovely women: Katie, who appears to be getting punched by Nicole.

A Persian party crasher, Pouya, turned out to be pretty cool.

Two work friends, Cathy and the "not so cocky" Arturo Jr.

The beatiful and crazy fun ladies that make work not so much like work; (from the left) Dena, (me), marisol and Cathy. Or, if you'de prefer our work names, Flora, Consuela, Alexa, and Cathy just got hired so she doesn't have a name yet. In the back you can see Alex and Arturo's, (or Alfonzo and Nic's) heads peaking over.

Another of my best friends, Jenny. Super fun and super wise, maker of yummy cookies, keeper of the high lighters, runner of the church, Amazing Jenny.

One of my other best friends, Deanna, or "Dee" as I like to call her. She's the best back rubber on the planet!!!!!

My gorgeous counsin Ashley, or as she is more fondly known; Aggie!

3 very funny friends, Nic, Joy, and another welcomed party crasher, Ryan!

Laura, one of the most adventurous people I've met, a trait I admire much in people.

Again, thank you all who made this day so great! I love you all!!!!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

You Know Your... When...

You know KIDZCITY Camp has come to an end when your tired, emotional, frustrated and happy all at the same time!

You know your tired and out of it and haven't had much sleep when you start brushing your teeth and after a few seconds of going at it, you realize that your tooth paste doesn't taste like tooth paste, nor does it taste very good. You then look down and find a large tube of face wash in your hand.

You know your emotional when the sight of pop corn all over the floor makes you cry.

You know your frustrated when you've been driving 10 kids on a shuttle bus twice a day for 4 days and after the 20 billionth time you've said "put your seat belt on," you turn around, look at the kids and go, "eeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! O.K, I feel better."

You know you're happy and cool when you're at the gas station and you say all slick like to the attendant, "see that bus out there, that's mine."

You know you've irritated the food lady when she refuses to give you a snack.

You know you're in a goofy mood when you're trying to help a fellow counciler come up with a team name and all you can think of is "The Uuga Buuga's."

All in all, KIDZ Camp was AMAZING!!! And so much fun. It's the highlight of my year, and there's so much more to say. In my next post I'll tell you all about my team, "The Tie Quan Dames!" (We wore ties!!!)