Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Kid's Prayers

My Mom sent me thi E-mail called "Kid's Prayers". I took a couple of the boring ones out, but I thought you guys might like it. Some of them are super cute.

1. Dear God,
please put another holiday
between Christmas and Easter.
There is nothing good in there now.

2. Dear God,
Thank you for the baby brother
but what I asked for was a puppy.
I never asked for anything before.
You can look it up.

3. Dear Mr.
God, I wish you would not make it so easy
for people to come apart
I had to have 3 stitches and a shot.

4. God,
I read the bible.
What does beget mean?
Nobody will tell me.
Love Alison

5. Dear God,
how did you know you were God?
Who told you?

6. Dear God,
is it true my father
won't get in Heaven
if he uses his golf words in the house?

7. Dear God,
I bet it' s very hard for you
to love all of everybody in the whole world.
There are only 4 people in our family
and I can never do it.

8. Dear God,
I like the story about Noah
the best of all of them.
You really made up some good ones.
I like walking on water, too.

9. Dear God,
my Grandpa says you were around
when he wa s a little boy.
How far back do you go?
Love, Dennis

10. Dear God,
do you draw the lines around the countries?
If you don't, who does?

11. Dear God,
did you mean for giraffes
to look like that or was it an accident?

12. Dear God,
in bible times,
did they really talk that fancy?

14. Dear God,
please send Dennis Clark
to a different summer camp this year.

15. Dear God,
maybe Cain and Abel
would not kill each other so much
if they each had their own rooms.
It works out OK with me and my brother.

19. Dear God,
is Reverend Coe a friend of yours,
or do you just know him through the business?

20. Dear God,
I do not think anybody
could be a better God than you.
Well, I just want you to know that.
I am not just saying that because
you are already God.

21. Dear God,
it is great the way you always
get the stars in the right place.
Why can't you do that with the moon?

22. Dear God,
I am doing the best I can.
Really !!!!

23. Dear God,
I didn't think orange went with purple
until I saw the sunset
you made on Tuesday night.
That was really cool.

Saturday, August 06, 2005

A Night of Favor

(I already wrote this as a review in Pastor Casey's blog, but I wanted to put it here too.)

Last night, this guy came into my work who works at Jeromes in RB with his grandpa, and after I got their drinks we all started talking about church and where they go and where I go, and when I said I went to the City Church, the younger guy asked me, "Is that in RB?" And I answered, "yes, by Maranatha." And he got all excited and says, "I work at Jermomes and last Thursday when I got off of work, I heard music and I thought, 'why not'. So I came in and sat through a service." Isn't that crazy?

Well, I had a prety cool night last night. The Ramona Fair is open, (and I think I'm going to go on Sunday Night if it's still open. If anyone wants to go, let me know.) and my mom, Nicole (not Corpuz) and I are walking through the booths, and I get a this sunden desire for a piece of jewelry, (which always happens at fairs. I love fair jewlery.) So I'm looking at all the jewlery booths, and I get this mental picture of what I really want; a small, heart shaped diamond necklace, (not real diamond of course) but I can't find it. So I start praying and asking God, and I come to a "Cookie Lee" Jewelry booth run by two of the strangest women I've ever met. Each with short hair, one red, the other blond. They're loud, they're funny, they flatter with their lips, making comments such as, "you have good taste" and "that's not your mom! You two look like sisters", a little hippieish with lots of funky jewelry on. My mom loved them, I thought they were funny. So, i'm looking without much luck, and I find a necklace that I like. As I'm trying it on, I look down and lo and behold, there's the necklace! It's perfect! It's exactly how I pictured it! It's 26 dollars, which is 1 dollar less than I brought home from my 8 hour shift. (slow night, 4 servers, you understand.) So I put my Jenny face on and ask them if they'de like to bargain. While they think about that, I whisper a quick "grace grace." They talk about giving me 25% off, which is good, but still 22 dollars. I'm really indecisive about this because I'm pretty thrifty when it comes to buying stuff that's not food or hair product. So I consult my mom, who assures me, if I want it I can buy it, (and I really want it.) So I turn around, and (Jenny, you would be so proud) "will you take 20 for it?" They hesitate for a moment. One lady says, "I don't know. That's 6 dollars taken off," and the other jumps in and goes, "aww sure why not! I'm nice." Woo Hoo! Success!!!!

The night continues on and I get a snow cone, my favorite fair food. I get grape of course, and when they didn't have cherry, I took a step of faith by the leading of the Holy Spirit and got lime as my second flavor, which turned out to be pretty good!

The favor continues. The 3 of us proceed to the rides. I had gotten there late because of work, so the ticket booth was closed and I wouldn't be able to go on any rides. But the Zipper is still running and that's my favorite ride. So I again say, "grace grace" and boldly walk up to the three ride attendants and ask, "what are the chances that I could get on this ride. I just got here, the ticket booth is closed, and this is my favorite one." After they discuss playfully, (they know they're going to let me on, but of course they had to drag it out for a while) they say O.K, and let me on with one of the ride attendants because you have to have 2 people at a time, and my mom and Nicole do not want to go on. This of course worked out great because he knew all the right times to rock the cart so it would spin. I think we spun 90% of the ride, and after a while you didn't know if you were going forward or backward or if you were even still on the ride. It was great!

It's amazing how God will show His divne favor in any area of our lives. Not just with buisness men, or employers, but even with carnival workers. He loves us so much and He's such a good Father, and I am so blessed to be His daughter.