Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Hey friends,

I haven't written a post in a while, so I thought it was time for an update. Here's what's been going on.

1.) I graduate Palomar in May, and will be transferring in the fall.

2.) I'm on spring break, and making the most of it. I've got something fun planned everyday. Can't wait for Beach Day! In fact, I was so excited about Beach Day, I planned two, right in a row! Woo Hoo!

3.) KIDZCITY just did an Easter play in front of the church, and they were AMAZING! The best part was when one of the fifth graders forgot his line, and went, on the microphone, "And Jesus said... and Jesus said... (Ahem) and Jesus said... Ahh dangit."

4.) The second best part was when one of the 2nd graders got on stage, got super nervous, and during the play, walked off stage toward me with his hands on his stomach, (and despite my best efforts to tell him to be quiet) cried, "oooohhhhh, oooohhhhhh, it feels teeeerrriiiibllleeee!" Then sits next to me, and just falls over into the fetal position on the chair.

5.) Something cool the Lord did: I just found out that a family that's been planted in our church for a while, is here because they came into my work and I invited them. I didn't remember at all till one of the kids asked me if I was that waitress, then I totally remembered. It's awesome how the Lord works. Even the little things that you don't think anything of, can be huge plans in the long run. I love it.

6.) I've become a die hard fan of the show Lost.

7.) I get to hang out with my brother today! We're going to watch Teen Titans, which was our favorite show to watch together when I lived at home. I know, super lame and childish, but cartoons was the best way to connect with this particular brother, and that just happened to be the best cartoon of them all!

8.) That's all I can think of.

Hope you all are doing well.

Summer's almost here!!!!!!