Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Bookmark

Today I found a book mark...

And on it, in big black letters...

It said...

"A Bookmark"

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Cha cha cha cha chaaangeesssss!

In my life, new seasons tend to usher in new hair. Behold....



This wonderful girl that has had a plethera of women from our church request her, has officially cut my hair. My hair, that's been growing out for two years, that has been thicker than thick all my life, that has been either brunette or red since forever, is officially; a bit short, a bit thin, and a bit blond!

Congradulations me! The old is passing away, behold, with the passing of Jael's 22nd BDay, seasons are becoming new!

I am SUPER blessed!!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

Come to my Party!

Everyone's invited to my house this Sunday to celebrate my 22nd (Golden) Birthday with me! We'll be playing a movie on a screen in my back yard. Let me know if you are interested and I will give you all the details!