Tuesday, July 24, 2007

1002 Words

I just got back from my Tennessee/Mississippi vacation, and I would like to describe it in 1002 words.

+ Oh Happiness!

I went and visited Jon and Jackie Owens, and had an INCREDIBLE time! They just had their third baby Jude, who is now 1 month old, and I took about a hundred bajillion pictures of us. He is so stinkin adorable.

Here's a good one of him with his eyes open.

On Friday we took a 3 hour drive to Nashville. It was really fun. We watched Finding Nemo in the car on the way up there, and a Veggi Tale video.

One of my favorite things about Tennessee is how green it is! This is the freeway on the road to Nashville. Almost everyone has a park in their backyard as well.

This is Joslin. She's Jon's niece. She's a wonderful, beautiful 13 year old that looks like she's 20. We hung out a lot this week.

This is Dani. She was my guitar instructor in high school. She moved to Nashville and is doing very well. She's made a few CD's, is a martial arts instructor, and likes long walks on the beach... just kidding. She's actually engaged!

Me and the incredible Mrs. Jackie!

Here is the Grand Ol Opry Hotel. It was insane. This is the front and it looks really small, but it's GYNORMOUS! Every room is like a hotel in itself. One of the rooms we actually took a boat tour around. Check it out.

Joslin and I ballroom dancing in a ballroom.

Blending into the paintings on the wall.

All of us.

Regular plant?

Then why are people staring?

The Plant has left the building!

On the boat tour.

The Mississippi River!

Down Town Memphis... Beale Street.

We were watching this band in an alley, and Jude slept through it.

James Dean anyone?
"Pork with an Attitude." Memphis is famous for their BBQ. We had BBQ Pork Nachos, and they were fantastic!

Christ the Rock Church.

At Sonics.

My new friend Anna.

Anna and I took a trip to the park. It was so beautiful, so we went around and took pictures.

Then we went and saw Hairspray in midtown, which was so good. Anyway, check out the gas price. And we think ours is high. ;)

I thought this was funny.

At Anna's house. I didn't get everybody, but she invited a bunch of people over from the youth group and we had an Office Marathon. Here's Jana and Kevin.

The last picture I took, at Anna's house.

So, I had a WONDERFUL time. People made fun a little that I chose Tennesse for a vacation, but I think I proved them wrong. I can't wait to go back!!!

Thanks for sharing in my vacation.

And Jon and Jackie, thanks SO much for letting me come. You both are amazing, your kids are beautiful, and I can't wait to come back! I was blessed, refreshed, and I miss you already!