Thursday, February 08, 2007

College Detention

Thank God it doesn't exist! It'd be like Jr. High all over again. I've been late every single day these past couple weeks, and I don't even start my 1st class till 11 am. Blast genetics and my families procrastinating nature! In Jr. High, I had more detentions than anyone my 7th grade year, simply because my mom got me to school late EVERY DAY! I saw maybe 2 or 3 sunny lunches that year. My friends almost forgot I existed. So, once again, thank God you can't get detention in college.

Sunday, February 04, 2007

Evangelism Linebacker

Christian Parody of the Office Linebacker - This is incredible!!! Don't be fooled by the first 30 seconds of the business guy. Just wait! You just may fall out of your chair, or possibly, get tackeled out... (you'll see)