Thursday, December 28, 2006

Christmas; Come and Gone

There are two kinds of Christmas shoppers:

1.) The Early Bird: The Early Bird hits the streets the day after Thanksgiving to catch the sales, then within the next couple weeks, takes their time, enjoys their stress free shopping experience, and finishes with weeks until Christmas.

2.) Me, or The Procrastinator: I am most definitely The Procrastinator. This person tends to forget that Christmas is only 3 days away, until someone mentions how excited they are that Christmas is so close, causing the procrastinator to flee out of the house, whatever the wardrobe they are currently sporting, to join the rush of other Procrastinators in robes and curlers swarming through the malls of America. Parking is nearly impossible, (unless your lucky enough to have the parking anointing) lines are indecently long, and finding the best presents for your loved ones is somewhat difficult because they've all been bought already by The Early Bird. (You know what they say, The Early Bird catches the worm.)

Well, after 3 days of unnecessary stress, I finished my shopping 10 pm, Christmas Eve. Each of those days I was up early, fighting traffic, and squeezing an hour or two after a late night of work, but I did it!!! And hopefully learned my lesson well enough to join The Early Bird next year.

Then Christmas comes, and the stress doesn't really end, though it should have, till about 9am. I was supposed to be at my mothers' at 830, but tardiness was inevitable because the night before, after hours of present wrapping and room cleaning, somewhere in the tired frenzy, I locked my bathroom door, and shut it. So I spent the first 45 minutes of my day jumping up and down trying to "hold it" while I worked on the knob. I first tried sticking random long, straight objects through the hole in the door knob, (bobby pins, screw drivers, knitting needles) trying move the lock, but these attempts were futile. I next unscrewed the knob off the door, and then after two seconds, instead of making progress, I set myself back by pushing the other knob off the door into the bathroom. The door was still locked, and not budging. I finally called my grandpa in, (who forgave me later after receiving Peanut Brittle from me for Christmas) and after about 10 minutes of fiddling, took a credit card, swiped it through the crack in the door and whala! It opened!!!

After this minor incident, the rest of my day was fabulous!!! We went to my mothers' where we had a small family breakfast, then mom and I went to her church, which we do every year, where they have sort of a homeless drive. Mom's in charge of the food line, which is awesome because it insures me an automatic spot. (It's nice to have parents in high places) The food line is the best, because while your serving corn, or beans or mashed potatoes, you get to meet every single person that comes, and speak to and bless ever single one! I also helped wrap presents for the children, where I met a strange, but nice man that calls every single person he knows and meets "Happy." He wrapped next to me and made me laugh quite a bit. While wrapping, an old family from our church shoped up to help, The Wright's! James, Mary, Elizabeth and Lucas came after being invited by a friend from that church. It was so fun, I got lots of hugs and was able to catch up with my old KIDZCITY kids. Then mom and I cleaned the kitchen, said our good byes, and went to my uncles. I also got to talk to a Mrs. Jackie Owens and a Miss. Jordan Owens during this time, and that may have been the best part of my day!

Uncle's was fun. He throws a Christmas party at his HUGE house every year. And every year, family friends come, a family I only ever get to see on Christmas, but I LOVE them, so we got to hang out all day. We played basket ball, I got a ride on a little motorcycle, ate cookies, played with remote control race cars. So much fun.

The night ended with me, Nicole, Charlotte, Mary and her sister Carroll, all having a sleep over where we stayed up all night and watched the first season of Freaks and Geeks.

So, in a word, I would have to describe my Christmas as "Fun." I hope all of yours went well too.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Coolest Quote of the Day, Maybe Month...

"You snooze you lose,
Well I have snost and lost."

Brain Teaser

This wasn't too hard, just kind of fun.

Can u find the B?


Find the N!


Saturday, December 09, 2006

Look Alikes

You know you look like your mother, when someone who's never seen you before, never knew you existed, comes into your work, notices your face, your voice, your laugh and your walk, then goes back to his work, where your mother also works, and says, "You have a daughter, don't you?"

Speaking of look alikes, in the new movie, "The Nativity Story" which is a Jael approved movie if anyone's interested in seeing it, it's almost like Nahela was cast to play Mary. Check it out.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Bumper Sticker Mystery

Can someone please explain this bumper sticker to me?

Rope? Heavens yes?
Dope? Hells no?

If it helps, there was a giant hay stack in the bed of the truck.

If you don't get it, like myself, feel free to laugh. I did.