Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Writer in Me

WOW! I've been gone a long time. Well, not really gone... persay... I still exist, still breath, still see you all every Sunday and some of you Thursday at church, yet still, in some small way, it's like I really have disappeared, as if by posting on this blog actually defines my very existence.


Sorry, I've been reading ALOT lately, and so now the writer in me is starting to wake up again after so many years, and I can feel my fingers twitch every time I look at a computer. Not all of you know this, but I used to write stories all the time, especially in the summer. I'd stay up till about 3am, (midnight-3 were my most inspired moments, my best work came in those few hours) and just write and write and write until my eyes couldn't take it any more. I was a comic, (my stories are a lot funnier than you would expect could ever come from me) I was a romantic, I was a suspense/thriller coordinated, and I was a mystery solver. And I'm not just talking short stories. I've written books too, (well, sort of, as much of a book a 16 year old could write. But, 22 chapters was my record none the less.)

Those days are so far away now. But like I said, the writer in me has awakened, and I WANT TO WRITE!!! These books that I said I've been reading, are by an author named Karen Kingsbury. I don't know if you've heard of her, but she is Holy Spirit anointed to put words on paper. I read a series of 5 books, and there wasn't one that I didn't laugh or bawl my eyes through. Her writings are exactly the kind of stories I've wanted to write for years. Christian fiction that touches real situations and puts down on paper how God would have us deal with them, by looking at the life of someone else. I was so blessed and so touched by her books, and the way God has used her books in other peoples lives in unbelievable. I want that.

I hope you are all doing well. Be blessed.

(So I went and looked at some of my old stories, (writing about them got me all excited) and here's an exerpt from one of them I wrote when I was 16.)

Give me Liberty

"Give me Liberty, or give me death!" Caitie stood up on her chair and
shouted out loud. Jamie looked up at her, and tried to choke back his
laughter. Caitie always stood up for what she believed in, and always took
drastic measures whether it was just arguing with someone, or holding a
protest to get her message out, and she always fought until she won. He'd
always respected her will and determination, but he had never seen her react
this way before.

She was standing on her chair, screaming past history quotes, and over
what? A frog! Their class were dissecting frogs in biology, and Caitie
believed it to be cruel and unnatural. Knowing his best friend, he held his
breath to prepare himself for what he knew was coming next. "Don't let
them make you kill poor helpless creatures if there lives can be spared. A
frogs internal organs can be read about in a book. Do what's right! Spare
an innocent life! Set them free!" Jamie put his head down, as Caitie ran
around the class collecting everyone's frog and putting them back in the
box they were delivered in. When she got to Jamie, she told him to help her,
but he couldn't move. Both from embarrassment and hysterics.

A few of the girls in the class willingly helped Caitie because they
shared her same belief, while a couple told her to keep away from their
frogs. They claimed they were going to dissect it whether she liked it or not. But
Caitie didn't let that stop her. She stood there, trying her best to get
them to "see it her way." Jamie was surprised at how rational she was in the
way she spoke to them compared, to how irrational the rest of her act was.
But somehow, her persuasions sunk in, (or maybe they were just annoyed), and the two jocks handed over their frog.

Meanwhile, the teacher stood at her desk, not really doing anything to
stop this outburst, but threw in a couple shouts for Caitie to "quit her
nonsense!" as she so shallowly put it Caitie thought. But none the less, she
ignored her teachers comments, and once she had all her frogs, ran out of
the class and released them into the creek across the street from her

Mean while Jamie was sitting back in his chair with his hands folded
back behind his head, and two girls behind him, who had only given up their
frog because the thought of dissection completely disgusted them,
leaned forward and whispered into Jamie's ear, "Hey, isn't that girl
like your best friend or something?" Jamie turned around, smiled and lifted
his eye brows at the girls and turned back in his seat facing the front of
the class. "Nope," he thought to himself, "never a dull moment when
Caitie's around!" Once again he slouched back in his seat placing his
hands behind his head, but was startled when someone's finger tapped on his shoulder.

He looked as Caitie sat in the desk next to him. "You smell like frog." He
mockingly commented to her. "We'll talk about this later. You know the
routine, I have to face my death sentence before anything else." Oh yes. He
new the routine oh to well. But half the time he had to face the death
sentence with her. They were partners in crime, but he was glad he stayed
out of this one. He new nothing good would come from it. "Sorry I can't
join you Hun. I'll pray for you." Jamie put a playful grin on his
face aiming it towards Caitie. "Oh you know your gonna get it for this one
don't cha?" She said. "Yeah," he replied, "but I was trying not to think
of that part. Besides, your going to be locked away for quite a bit, so I
should be able to have all my defenses up before you even get a chance to
do anything to me." "Well that's comforting. Oh and Jamie," he looked up
at her, "don't depend to much on all this time you think you have. Trust

Jamie sighed and Caitie looked over at the teacher. The teacher stared back at
Caitie. She didn't say anything really. Didn't exactly know what to say.
Still, her look sent chills down Caitie's spine, but she was ready for
what ever consequences lurked beyond that glare. Whatever they threw at
her, it was all worth it, and nothing would change her mind about that.